The Latest From Laurie
5 Big Myths About Women
Lots of debate can be heard these days over what females should do with their lives. Are we to have more traditional roles? Or can we do whatever the heck we want? Whatever you believe a woman’s place to be, I think we can safely set aside these 5 worn gender tropes… Women aren’t competitive […]
"Are You an Easy-going Packrat or an Uptight Purger? Here are 5 strange ways to find out..."

Tail Wags and Whiskers
For anyone who ever loved a fur baby, Tail Wags and Whiskers chronicles the love, laughs, and four-legged lawlessness that comes from a lifetime with cats and dogs.
Heart-warming, funny, and often poignant, Tail Wags and Whiskers shares how animals come into our lives, not only teaching resilience, patience, and fortitude, but also marking the passage of time.
Available in Paperback and eBook format
Tail Wags and Whiskers
I must admit I worried since I had heard most kittens were born in spring and summer and this was a chilly December day in Connecticut, 1980. Despite wanting to stay calm as I gazed into the pet store window, my palms sweated, and I swallowed hard. I’m just getting a cat, I told myself, not having a human baby, God forbid. At twenty-three, the thought of two-legged parenthood was out of the question. Even four-legged gave me pause. Was I ready to take care of a little creature and be responsible for its every morsel of food and safety? Was I ready to give it the attention and love it needed after coming home tired from my office job each day? While growing up, my family had tons of pets, but the feed and upkeep had always been my parents’ domain. Was I ready now for the big time?
News And Posts
5 Big Myths About Women
Lots of debate can be heard these days over what females should do with their lives. Are we to have more traditional roles? Or can we do whatever the heck we want? Whatever you believe a woman’s place to be, I think we can safely set aside these 5 worn gender tropes… Women aren’t competitive […]
The Amazing Power of “Love Bombs”
I always admire people who throw “Love Bombs.” By that, I mean those who have an easy time saying, “I love you.” Even among all the division, hatred, and chaos these days, I still see and hear Love Bombs all around in small but wonderful ways… I have a neighbor who ends each phone […]
5 Things My Husband Does Better Than Me (Yes, it’s Annoying)
After 45 years of marriage, you get to know someone well. Although I have things I do better than Randy (running the house comes to mind), he has his own unique skill set. Here are the top 5 talents that always make me a little envious… Looking on the bright side – I can bring […]
A Tense First Encounter
“…For all Floyd’s bravado, playing baseball and suavely sauntering through the playgroups, he wasn’t without his neuroses. One time, I opened our front door and the cat came exploding into the house, crouching in terror under a chair. Randy and I hurried to look out the window, expecting to see a coyote pack or rabid […]
4 “Terrier-Tested” Calming Techniques
Anxiety seems to be creeping in everywhere. You can literally feel it in the air. But there’s a creature in our house who teaches my husband, mom, and me every day how to relax, stay chill, and hang loose. She’s our Yorkie Libby and here are four things she does to keep herself (and us) […]
5 Ways to Enjoy Growing Older
Do you sometimes wake with a feeling of unease? Seventy is only a few years away and starting to wink at me like some strange guy at a singles bar. I’m both wary and intrigued. But here are five things that help me overcome that “running out of runway” feeling. Seeing positive role models […]
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