He Says/She Says: Why is Downsizing so Traumatic?

With thoughts of future moving in our heads, my husband Randy and I face a house that needs serious purging.  I won’t name names but one of us (*cough*) has his work cut out for him in terms of streamlining possessions.  Randy and I recently started preliminary fighting dialogue on three main areas of contention… RANDY’S COLLECTIBLES: Me:  Really?  We need to […]

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How Do You Stay Married Sixty Years?

My parents just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. I wondered what it’s like going through life with the same person for so long. The other day I asked their secret. The answer surprised me. But first, let’s back up. This story began in 1954 when my 24 year-old father stopped to help a middle-aged woman change a […]

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Last Dinner in “Windows on the World”

Randy raised his flute of champagne. “Happy Anniversary,” he said with a smile. I raised mine in return. We touched glasses. It was June 7th, 2000.  Randy and I sat in “Windows on the World”, the sky top restaurant in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. “I can’t believe we’re 106 stories up,” I […]

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Left to My Own Devices

  My husband Randy went out of town this week and it occurred to me how things change when he’s away. Not super-dramatic, but enough to rock the usual rigorous, Swiss-clock precision of the Stone house (kidding). And here, in no particular order, are the changes… Dinners become a joke. Okay, who am I trying […]

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How Do I Survive my Mixed Marriage?

No, I’m not talking race, religion, or politics. But I am talking about a difference so pervasive, so challenging, so disturbing that at times we’ve wondered if our relationship could stand it. Randy’s a pack rat. I’m a purger. While my husband has never met a piece of junk mail he doesn’t like, I patrol […]

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