What Are The 6 Coolest Things About Being an Introvert?

You know the feeling. You spend much of your life thinking something’s wrong. You’re alone a lot, usually with your nose in a book or daydreaming. But then someone puts a label on it and everything falls into place. You’re an introvert. You’re wired differently. And even better, you realize this trait comes with some […]

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What’s This Thing Growing in Our Yard!?

  It started as a small white orb next to our pond. At first, I thought a neighborhood kid had left behind a somewhat deflated soccer ball. But as the days and weeks went by, this strange thing kept growing… and growing… and growing. Eventually it reached the size of a beach ball. What’s happening, […]

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4 Unexpected Perks to Getting Older

We hear lots of negative things about aging. But there are perks to being in your sixties and beyond, the young don’t know about. Let’s just call these “our little secrets.” Here are four wonderful bonuses to getting up there… You’ve earned slow mornings – When young, I used to wake up, get dressed, and […]

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The Incredible Shrinking Bucket List

  Life changes us. We get older and things that matter when we’re young—career, status, and good hair days—matter less. I always prided myself on having an extensive bucket list: travel, eating exotic food, dog sledding. I still crave adventure and experience. But with each passing year, my bucket list is shrinking. Here are five […]

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Yikes. Fifty Years Since High School Graduation?!

It’s not possible. Half a century has passed since many of us graduated in 1974. And yet looking back with the eyes of now, I see how we were an interesting, cool generation in four ways… Our hair – I see pictures of those days and am taken back by the long tresses—on both males […]

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A “More Than Skin Deep” Medical Exam

Ever have a doctor’s visit take a more mystical turn than expected? I recently had an irksome, red rash on my eyelids that wouldn’t go away. I expected the dermatologist to give me some cream and call it a day. What I didn’t expect was his observations about my very being. Dark-haired, trim, and middle-aged, […]

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6 Powerful Tools to Manage Stress

It’s an anxious time for many people, including myself. Too much to think and worry about. The world is constantly roiling with violence, destruction, and chaos. But I’ve found six great stress relievers that help… Rest – This is not the same as sleeping. Rest can be just sitting quietly in your favorite nook, sipping […]

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5 Reasons Walking is the Absolute, Best Exercise

A strange thing happened the other day. I went to take my terrier Libby for our daily stroll. Gathering her leash and harness, I tried to put them on, but she hung back. It was cold out which usually doesn’t bother her, but today she decided, meh. Usually, I’d put her gear away and walk […]

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Do You Play (shiver) “Connections?”

It makes no sense. A New York Times word game that causes many players to tear their hair out, might actually be healthy? But the popular new puzzle “Connections” could be the very thing to help us escape this chaotic planet, even for a few minutes. Here’s what this online game is about: you start […]

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The 5 Biggest Myths about Aging

I recently read an article by a famous author, lamenting how old and decrepit she felt. I braced myself, ready to hear she’d just turned 102. Instead, her age was 69, two years more than me. I looked down at myself and although no one would mistake me for 25, I feel strangely okay in […]

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