Can Journal-Keeping Save You?

I became a journal keeper by accident. I was 30 years old, sitting in a windowless cubicle at work, unhappy. My in-box was piled with two feet of paper, layouts, project folders, and message slips. The phone rang incessantly. I had to do something fast. I considered walking out the front door when I spotted a white stenographer’s notebook. I picked […]

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How To Have a No-Sweat Christmas

This will be my 36th Christmas as a married woman and I have to admit, ten years ago I was resentful.  This holiday was all about material stuff and deadlines and ornaments and work. Then I smartened up. Now I know women who love this holiday and do it to perfection.  Their homes would make […]

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Who are You? Three Questions to Ask…

I love anything that helps me look at life differently. The other day I happened to catch spiritualist Deepak Chopra on television and heard him ask his audience three questions. I listened and became fascinated. They were deceptively simple… #1: What is your full name?  I thought to myself, this is easy. Deepak explained this […]

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The Day My Husband Met a Rock Star

  My husband Randy believes in the possible, he always has. He’s not afraid to go up to anyone. He’s not afraid to ask for anything. He’s not afraid, period. So when he recently spied a rock legend in the Atlanta airport, of course, he had to approach and posed a great question to the […]

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Are You a Nerd?

Let’s face it. There’s a part of all of us that want to believe we’re in the cool crowd, one of the “in” people. For many years I wanted to believe I was a happening chick till indisputable facts got in the way.  Do you ever wonder the same?  Then you must ask yourself the […]

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Oh Fall… You Hurt So Good

Oh God, summer began yesterday. So why is the air and light already changing? Why are golden leaves starting to pop from trees like dinner guests arriving too soon? I want to tell them to wait in the car while I fix my hair and make-up. Ready or not, autumn is here. The light is […]

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If Vincent Van Gogh Could See This

  A huge group of people stand mesmerized in front of “Starry Night” at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. In 1888, Van Gogh painted this piece from his asylum room window, depicting the Provence night sky. He had committed himself after cutting off his left ear with a razor and sending […]

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Unsung Heroes

Recently, I was at my mailbox when I heard the familiar low rumble of a school bus. I stood watching it drive past. A young female driver sat behind the wheel, map in hand, learning her route before school begins. I waved and she waved back, giving a bright smile. I’ve always had a soft […]

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Why I Can’t Watch the “Long Island Medium”

(Full disclosure: My husband Randy rolled his eyes so much at this post, I almost didn’t run it. However times– and deadlines — being what they are, I decided to go for it.) A few weeks ago I made the mistake of watching “Long Island Medium.” Oh my God. Never again. I’m just not good with […]

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