5 Big Myths About Women

Lots of debate can be heard these days over what females should do with their lives. Are we to have more traditional roles? Or can we do whatever the heck we want? Whatever you believe a woman’s place to be, I think we can safely set aside these 5 worn gender tropes… Women aren’t competitive […]

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The Amazing Power of “Love Bombs”

  I always admire people who throw “Love Bombs.” By that, I mean those who have an easy time saying, “I love you.” Even among all the division, hatred, and chaos these days, I still see and hear Love Bombs all around in small but wonderful ways… I have a neighbor who ends each phone […]

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5 Ways to Enjoy Growing Older

  Do you sometimes wake with a feeling of unease? Seventy is only a few years away and starting to wink at me like some strange guy at a singles bar. I’m both wary and intrigued. But here are five things that help me overcome that “running out of runway” feeling. Seeing positive role models […]

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A Tale of Two Neighbors

It started out as any other walk with my terrier, Libby. A balmy, early spring day, we took our usual stroll down our driveway, along the main road, and then a quick right onto the quiet, dead-end street next door. That’s when I saw it, or I should say them. The sight assaulted my eyes. […]

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5 Awesome (And Yes, Shocking!) Hosting Tips

After over four decades of entertaining, I’ve learned a few things from the trenches. I used to have great energy as a hostess, but as the years have moved along, that stamina has waned. I still love seeing family and friends, but have learned interesting ways to make getting together easier… Take-out for dinner – […]

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When the Universe Rewards Us

  Sometimes we work hard, but don’t receive the outcome we want. Other times we toil and are rewarded in wonderful ways. This happened to my son Paul when he and I went into Manhattan recently. We dined in the world-famous restaurant, La Bernardin. In his late twenties, Paul took a job at an upscale […]

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 Six Cool, Awesome Perks of Winter

Lots of people dislike winter and I get that—shorter days, freezing temps, driving on ice and snow. But despite these hardships, this season is not without its gifts. Six beautiful ones come to mind… Coziness—Winter is an introvert’s dream. We don’t have to feel guilty about not being outside, sun-worshiping, moving, and looking busy. Add […]

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Six Women History Will Never Forget 

  It seems I can’t turn around these days without seeing ads for the Broadway musical, “Six.” Written about the wives of Britain’s King Henry 8th, I must confess, I haven’t seen the show. But I’ve always been intrigued by these amazing, often tragic, women. Feel like taking a quick trip through 16th century England? […]

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What’s Your Idea of Utopia?

I recently watched a show about a woman who had a near death experience. Like many people in that situation, she described what she saw as beautiful. “I was told by these wise beings that heaven can be anything we want,” she said. “I was in my own utopia.” That got me thinking: What would […]

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Sunset Serenades: Family, Music, and Courage

Sometimes we become so fixed on the scary things in life, we risk missing the beautiful moments. This happened recently when my mom and I went to see my husband Randy play bass in one of his bands (he’s in four) at an outdoor waterfront restaurant in Norwalk, Connecticut. I knew this evening would be […]

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