What Kind of Dog Is That??!!

Okay, when they handed out canine perfection, Simon was standing in the wrong line. He has a German shepherd head, Corgi legs, Terrier fur, and Australian cattle dog body. Name any breed. It’s in there. Yet Simon is more than the sum of his parts. In fact, in his own way, he is perfect with […]

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The Happy Honks of Spring

  The other day I stood in my yard when I heard that lovely sound. Against the blue sky was the familiar V-formation of a dozen geese, trumpeting their arrival like noisy house guests. I watched, feeling that familiar stirring. Spring is coming. I’ve grown to love these animals. I follow their trail in the […]

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Psycho Kitty… Qu’est-ce que c’est?”

I have a confession to make. I’m in an abusive relationship. No, it’s not with my husband, sons, or family member. It’s with my cat. I try and do the right thing with Rocky. I give him salmon treats and cat nip toys. I greet him lovingly when he enters the room. I pat his velvety brown […]

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