8 Tricks to Reading Your Cat’s Mind

Cat lovers understand. Felines are mysterious. One minute they’re nuzzling your face. The next they’re biting your hand. What’s not to love? Here are 8 surefire ways to read your cat’s mind and if not exactly get this animal, at least level the playing field. Their Eyes—When your cat’s eyes do a slow blink, that […]

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A Word You Don’t Want to Hear When Out Walking

It felt like any other fall stroll. My Yorkie Libby and I did our usual daily loop–down our driveway, along the road, up the next street, and reverse. We were heading home when our neighborhood FedEx driver slowed down to talk to me. His face looked serious. “Just want you to know, Laurie, I saw […]

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5 Things Your Dog Needs Every Day… and Maybe You Do Too

My Yorkie Libby has taught us a lot in six years. Patience, fortitude, and endurance come to mind. But she’s also given some unexpected life lessons, maybe even caused us to look at ourselves differently. Here are five things our pint-sized Libby does each day, which I’ve added to my regime too…  Adventure – It […]

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Why Did This Turtle Cross the Road?

  You know the feeling when you shouldn’t do something, but you do it anyway? That happened this week when I came upon a very large, very old snapping turtle in the middle of the road.  “What was that?” I asked my son, Paul, when we first drove past the creature. The turtle was standing […]

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Our 4 Most Disastrous Pet Purchases

Ever find a bunch of old products that seemed like a good idea at the time? When cleaning out our garage, my husband Randy and I came upon a pile of cataclysmic pet items we had bought over the years. I sighed. They’d come with such high hopes. But reality soon set in. The Electric […]

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Mondays and Garbage and Bears… Oh My!

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you look out your window and find a sight that stops your heart. This happened to me on a recent Monday morning when I heard a strange sound from our driveway. No, I didn’t spot a lion or tiger. Instead, a huge black bear stood there, rummaging […]

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Learning Good Manners… at the Dog Park?

It’s easy to get discouraged by the human race these days. So much fighting, turmoil, and hate. But there’s one place I go where I see great diversity. Different breeds get along fine, no matter color, age, shape, or size. Yes, over at the dog park, good manners abound — with one notable exception. Everyone […]

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“Cone of Shame?” Not so fast.

The sight of that plastic sphere around Libby’s neck hit me harder than expected, her head poking out like she lived in Elizabethan times. After one night in the veterinary surgery, my baby looked tired, spent, and in pain. At pick-up, the nurse carried her out to our car and placed her on my son […]

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Would a Robot Dog Be Easier?

  I recently saw the most perfect product for sale possible – a lifelike robotic canine. It comes with soft fur, a pliable body, and even a “heartbeat.” It moves its head and gives the cutest life-like “responses” to petting and words. Then I looked at our terrier Libby. Don’t worry, I’m not thinking of […]

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