Why Is Finding a Dog So Hard?

  Ever have one of those dreams where you’re pursuing something, but it keeps disappearing? That’s how I feel about finding my next pooch. Every time I see THE ONE on a shelter website, I come to find it was adopted. Or I’ll visit and there are three dogs left, all the size of mastodons. […]

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How Can Us Neurotics Survive?

Are you prone to nervous spells? Overthinking? Sweating not just the small stuff but, well… everything? Then like me, you may be neurotic. Over the years I’ve learned certain situations trigger the anxious, jumpy rabbit in me. Yet the good news is I’ve recently learned this fascinating coping technique…

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What Brings You Hope?

It’s been a tough week. Just when we think we can’t take any more violence, along it comes.  Like many, I find it hard not to despair.  I get that scared feeling in the pit of my stomach. That’s when I remember 9 things that always give me hope…

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7 Awesome Life Lessons from a Legendary Rock Star

I thought my husband Randy was crazy for getting tickets to this concert. It was Monday night. The venue was small. I’d rather be home watching Netflix. But there we sat in the third row, surrounded by other mid-lifers, raring to relive the glory days. And then Edgar Winter came out. His band started, “Keep […]

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Who Were the Great Teachers in Your Life?

They taught you. They challenged you. They changed you. They’re the memorable teachers in your life. The other day I heard the rumble of a school bus and thought of those educators who made a difference. What made them special? What made them succeed? How did they get under that “school-sucks” barbed wire? Maybe it […]

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6 Ways Dogs Make Life So Much Better

  Ever find yourself fighting an epic battle between your heart and head? This happened to me this week when I “accidentally strolled” into our local animal shelter. Yes, I’m thinking of adopting another dog. And yes, I just went through the sad saga of “putting down” my sweet, old canine Simon. And yes, dogs can […]

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Who Are The 8 Girlfriends You Need?

Where would we be without our friends?  Let’s face it, as we grow older we need them more than ever. Yes, we love our spouses and family, but there’s something about a girlfriend that helps us see life differently. They open us up and change us for the better. Here are 8 kinds of friends […]

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I’ll Stay a Woman

Lots of people are changing gender these days. And I get the notion of being born in the wrong body. But it got me thinking. Would I rather be a guy? How would it feel ambling through life with better pay, more corporate and political clout, not to mention a bigger, stronger body? Would I chuck […]

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