6 Powerful Tools to Manage Stress

It’s an anxious time for many people, including myself. Too much to think and worry about. The world is constantly roiling with violence, destruction, and chaos. But I’ve found six great stress relievers that help… Rest – This is not the same as sleeping. Rest can be just sitting quietly in your favorite nook, sipping […]

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5 Reasons Walking is the Absolute, Best Exercise

A strange thing happened the other day. I went to take my terrier Libby for our daily stroll. Gathering her leash and harness, I tried to put them on, but she hung back. It was cold out which usually doesn’t bother her, but today she decided, meh. Usually, I’d put her gear away and walk […]

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Do You Play (shiver) “Connections?”

It makes no sense. A New York Times word game that causes many players to tear their hair out, might actually be healthy? But the popular new puzzle “Connections” could be the very thing to help us escape this chaotic planet, even for a few minutes. Here’s what this online game is about: you start […]

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Love, Coyote Style

Cole Porter sang, “Birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it.” Now, to no one’s surprise, coyotes do it too. Except, when coyotes “fall in love,” they become a public nuisance. Coyote mating season is upon us in our sleepy Connecticut town, and it’s temporarily changed our lives. To my sadness, I’ve […]

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Surviving Our Mixed Marriage

No, I’m not talking race, religion, or politics. But I am talking about a difference so challenging, so fraught with misunderstanding, so bewildering, we’ve wondered how our union takes it. Randy is an extrovert. I’m an introvert. Yet as the decades have rolled along, we’ve learned specific ways of coping with each other’s personalities. What […]

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The Most Unlikely Party Girl

We’ve all met great hostesses, those who make you feel welcome the moment you enter their homes. Curiously, one of the best party givers I know happens to be four-legged, furry, and fabulous. She’s our terrier Libby, who gives new meaning to the line, “Mistress of Ceremonies.” Here are five ways this Yorkie excels in […]

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The 5 Biggest Myths about Aging

I recently read an article by a famous author, lamenting how old and decrepit she felt. I braced myself, ready to hear she’d just turned 102. Instead, her age was 69, two years more than me. I looked down at myself and although no one would mistake me for 25, I feel strangely okay in […]

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A Surprising Christmas Rite of Passage

Have you ever had a moment you expected to like, but instead felt…verklempt? This happened as I watched my son Patrick carry out two large plastic boxes from our house. Inside lay our Christmas ornaments with lights and garland to bring to his apartment. He was off to buy a tree with his live-in girlfriend, […]

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Do You Ever…Forget?!

It’s no secret. We all “un-remember” things as we age. Sometimes those moments are easy to shrug off. Sometimes they can be frustrating, even rattling. Here are the five most common things people of a certain lifespan forget. Can you relate? Why you walked into a room. This happens a lot. I’m striding purposely toward […]

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