Yikes. Fifty Years Since High School Graduation?!

It’s not possible. Half a century has passed since many of us graduated in 1974. My reunion is coming up in the fall. And yet looking back with the eyes of now, I see how we were an interesting, cool generation in four ways… Our hair – I see pictures of those days and am […]

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A “More Than Skin Deep” Medical Exam

Ever have a doctor’s visit take a more mystical turn than expected? I recently had an irksome, red rash on my eyelids that wouldn’t go away. I expected the dermatologist to give me some cream and call it a day. What I didn’t expect was his observations about my very being. Dark-haired, trim, and middle-aged, […]

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“Bye Bye Birdie!”

As if finding a mouse in my car’s air filter last week wasn’t enough, this weekend we had yet another wild animal caper. And no, it didn’t involve Ann-Margret. But it did begin when our terrier Libby started sniffing at the fireplace. I walked over, peered inside, and found a dark gray and white swift […]

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We Have a Mouse… Where?!

Mice seem to be everywhere in our house during the cold months of Connecticut. My heart goes out to these poor, little creatures. After all, they’re just trying to stay warm. Over the years, we’ve found them in two usual spots. But recently, a mouse turned up in the strangest place yet. First, they’ve always […]

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6 Powerful Tools to Manage Stress

It’s an anxious time for many people, including myself. Too much to think and worry about. The world is constantly roiling with violence, destruction, and chaos. But I’ve found six great stress relievers that help… Rest – This is not the same as sleeping. Rest can be just sitting quietly in your favorite nook, sipping […]

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5 Reasons Walking is the Absolute, Best Exercise

A strange thing happened the other day. I went to take my terrier Libby for our daily stroll. Gathering her leash and harness, I tried to put them on, but she hung back. It was cold out which usually doesn’t bother her, but today she decided, meh. Usually, I’d put her gear away and walk […]

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Do You Play (shiver) “Connections?”

It makes no sense. A New York Times word game that causes many players to tear their hair out, might actually be healthy? But the popular new puzzle “Connections” could be the very thing to help us escape this chaotic planet, even for a few minutes. Here’s what this online game is about: you start […]

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Love, Coyote Style

Cole Porter sang, “Birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it.” Now, to no one’s surprise, coyotes do it too. Except, when coyotes “fall in love,” they become a public nuisance. Coyote mating season is upon us in our sleepy Connecticut town, and it’s temporarily changed our lives. To my sadness, I’ve […]

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Surviving Our Mixed Marriage

No, I’m not talking race, religion, or politics. But I am talking about a difference so challenging, so fraught with misunderstanding, so bewildering, we’ve wondered how our union takes it. Randy is an extrovert. I’m an introvert. Yet as the decades have rolled along, we’ve learned specific ways of coping with each other’s personalities. What […]

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