
Anxiety seems to be creeping in everywhere. You can literally feel it in the air. But there’s a creature in our house who teaches my husband, mom, and me every day how to relax, stay chill, and hang loose. She’s our Yorkie Libby and here are four things she does to keep herself (and us) on an even keel…

She gives herself happy times – The other day I was “doom-scrolling” one of my many political panic sites when Libby came and pushed one of her chew toys at me, wanting to play fetch. “Later, Lib,” I mumbled, distracted, pushing away the “plushy,” but Libby persisted. Finally, sighing, I took the toy and threw it.

Something about her unbridled joy in leaping after this well-chewed little brown squirrel touched me. Maybe Libby was trying to tell me something. Whatever’s going on in the world, there’s still innocence, lightness, and playtime. I put down my I-pad and we went a few more rounds. Afterwards, I felt better.

She listens to her body – Libby likes her lunch around 10:30 a.m. and doesn’t care who finds that strange. I’ve had to get used to it myself, especially since I’m cleaning up morning dishes when Libby’s ready for round two. But Libby respects her body and when it’s time to eat, it’s time to eat.

The other day I found myself famished at 11:00 a.m. An hour from official lunchtime, my stomach was growling. Normally, I’d make myself wait, but then I thought of Libby and how she honors her inner timetable. Out came the Swiss cheese and bread for a grilled sandwich and soup, dined on so much earlier than usual, but I didn’t care. I enjoyed every bite.

She “loves” her way through life – Cuddles and touch are huge parts of Libby’s existence. Each morning, she greets all of us like we’ve been lost at sea for two years. She lavishes us with cuddles and if she’s picked up, out come the slurpy kisses—whether we’re ready or not. It’s nice to have a creature so full of love, so devoted, so happy to see us.

Libby has taught me to be more demonstrative in my own affections. Although I’ve always been a hugger (to the perplexed alarm of just-met acquaintances and reserved friends), Libby shows me how touch is a nice part of everyday. It feels good to hug and be hugged. There’s no such thing as too much. Many times, it’s the quickest way to say, “I love you.”

She communes with nature – Libby needs Mother Nature, not only for doing her business, but in a deeper sense. She adores sitting on our back stoop, smelling the air, and listening. I love watching her little black nose move back and forth, taking in God knows what (coyotes and bobcats come to mind). Her head will tilt from side to side, as she takes in sounds, sights, and scents.

Lately when we’re out walking, I try and experience the world as she does. Although, I’ll never have her incredible senses, when she stops, I try and figure out what got her attention. Many times, I’ll hear things I didn’t notice when I was rushing around. Way off in the distance is the hoot of a barred owl. I’ll notice the clouds are moving especially fast today or that certain smell the air gets right before snow. Libby has helped me be more attentive to the larger, eternal world.

I love this Yorkie for many reasons, but these days, it’s especially comforting to have a creature who knows nothing of what’s happening in the world. Even better, she doesn’t care. Just keep the treats and playtimes coming. I love Libby’s calming techniques – all so easy and yes, “dog-tested.”


Is your dog a good role model for mental health? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like posts sent to your inbox, just press here. Thank you!


    • Elizabeth Anne Havey

    • 1 month ago

    Another wonderful animal story that echoes things about humans. If only we were that discerning. Posted on BlueSky.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 month ago

      Beth, Thanks so much!

    • Lea Sylvestro

    • 2 months ago

    We DO need to key in to our animal senses more! When we had our malamute Kodiak, I would always wonder – as you mentioned about your walks with Libby – what she was “seeing” when she sniffed, sniffed, sniffed the ground and air, or stopped dead at a particular spot. Oh to see with all the senses!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 month ago

      Lea, I can’t imagine having all their senses. It would probably overwhelm us, but still be fascinating.

    • Diane

    • 2 months ago

    Ohmyword, Libby is perfect! What an example of life truly well-lived. I’m calmer just reading this!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 month ago

      Diane, Ha ha! Of course, I didn’t mention the things Libby does that make me go crazy!

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