
“…Because Rocky liked being on his own so much, the cat came to know hidden parts of our house that we didn’t. Sometimes he’d be missing for the whole day inside, and we had no idea where he went. He’d just magically reappear. One day we heard Rocky’s cries from the den but couldn’t find him. Finally, after looking everywhere, we realized his meows were coming from inside the ceiling. We couldn’t figure out how he got there.

Randy stood, looking up, perplexed. “Did he stray into another dimension?”

I shrugged. I had no idea how Rocky got trapped in the ceiling. For the rest of the day, we kept hearing his disembodied meows. Finally, we figured out what happened. Upstairs, a small utility closet had a narrow crack in a wall that led to air conditioning ducts throughout the house. Rocky had gotten into the ducts and couldn’t find his way back. We finally helped him navigate by shaking his food bag and letting him follow his nose. Rocky emerged after a day, dusty and hungry but otherwise fine.

“I’ve never seen a cat like him,” Randy said, shaking his head. “Maybe he does come from another dimension.”

I wiped off the kitty still dirty from the air ducts. I couldn’t disagree. Rocky was a different kind of feline…”

(Excerpt from my book, “Tail Wags and Whiskers”).


Check it out on Amazon!


    • Carol Ann Cassara

    • 3 weeks ago

    ‘Did he stray into another dimension…” omg that cracked me up!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Carol, Ha ha! We did wonder…

    • Beth Havey

    • 3 weeks ago

    Our cat Chloe loved our first house, but as she aged and we moved, she decided she liked the basement. This was not good for her and for
    us. We loved her dearly, but learned that cats prefer consistency, bottom line. Thanks for your post.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Beth, So true about consistency. Animals, and I guess humans too, love the comfort of routine.

    • Pennie Nichols

    • 4 weeks ago

    I think you’re missing a great career opportunity for Rocky. The Feline Duct Sweep! It’s not cheap to have the ducts cleaned. He would be rich in a season!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Pennie, Rich and very dusty!

    • Alana

    • 4 weeks ago

    I’ve heard of cats and their abilities to hide but this took it to a whole new….dimension.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Alana, Ha ha! It sure did.

    • Diane

    • 4 weeks ago

    He could have given lessons to would-be spies! Love these stories!
    I’ve missed you!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Diane, I’ve missed you too! Hope you’re back to stay for a while.

    • Menopausal Mother

    • 4 weeks ago

    That’s so crazy—-I’ve heard that cats are notorious for finding the best hiding places!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 weeks ago

      Marcia, We’ve found them everywhere!

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