
Lately the world feels off-kilter with more coming at us than ever before. Whether national troubles or personal ones, the Boomer Bloggers have their usual interesting take on ways to cope.

Dealing with the trolls

So much of what Carol Cassara sees when people “state their views” online is not really opinion, it’s bullying. Read her views in When Opining Crosses the Line to Become Online Bullying. 

Keeping tummy troubles at bay

Do you ever feel like your stomach is more sensitive to certain foods as you age? Does it grumble, churn, and gurgle? Rebecca Olkowski has experienced this and is experimenting with a food sensitivity test. She writes about it in her latest post.

Enjoying a good read

Anna Quindlen has been one of blogger Elizabeth Havey’s favorite novelists for many years. This is a review of her latest, “After Annie.” Elizabeth asks: have you read Quindlen’s novels and if so what was your favorite?

Watching the dollars

Look for deals on mattresses, large appliances, outdoor gear, and more at July 4th sales, advises Rita R. Robison, consumer and personal finance journalist. Check out her article to see what to avoid buying in July.

What would you do for a good nosh?

A short drive to buy bagels turned into an adventure. Such is life on a barrier island, as Meryl Baer of Musings of a Shore Life writes in this week’s post.

An unlikely life coach

As for me at Musings, Rants & Scribbles, don’t we all feel turmoil in the air? There’s too much happening, too fast. The planet seems scarier and more chaotic than ever. Yet, there’s one member of my family who always seems, well…chill. She’s my little terrier, Libby. And here are some coping skills she’s taught me…

That’s it for now. Comments are always welcome and if you’d like to receive blog posts in your inbox, just press here. Thank you!

One Comment

    • Carol Ann Cassara

    • 2 days ago

    Yes, you are so right. Definitely feels off-kilter….

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