
Every couple has them—the occasional rough patch where you can’t speak to each other without considering murder. After 43 years of marriage, Randy and I have had a few. But there’s a small thing that always gets us back on track and reminds us why we’re still together. It’s called a date. Here’s five of our favorite kinds… 

The deli date – Eating sandwiches in the car at the beach is like being transported back in time. Since college, I’ve enjoyed my tuna on rye while Randy noshes on his corned beef with coleslaw and Russian dressing. We watch the gulls swoop, dogs being walked, the ebbing of the tide, and talk things over. Yes, the conversations have changed over the years—from who’s playing at the new downtown club, to which nursery school our kids should go, to what’s the most economical Medicare plan. There’s something lovely about watching the sea and sand, while figuring life out, no matter what stage we’re in.

The ooh la la date – Randy and I love French bistros and have been going to many over the decades. They seem to come and go in our area at an alarming rate, but when we find a good one, we become instant regulars. Sharing a bottle of wine, dipping fresh bread into the garlicky sauce of escargot, digging into a raspberry souffle, have always made us happy. These bistro dates remind us how much we’ve always bonded over good food, good ambiance with lots of candlelight, and a good burgundy.

The glamorous date – Sigh. We’ve fallen out of the Manhattan habit since Covid, but we plan to return. Some of our marriage’s most memorable times have been in the Big Apple. From the Rainbow Room in the 80’s, to Le Cote Basque in the 90’s, to the top of the Trade Towers (“Windows on the World”) for our 20th anniversary dinner in 2000, to Asian eateries like Tao or Nobu, and all the cafes, steak houses, and trattorias along the way. There’s nothing more fun than sharing a window table, as the crowds of Manhattan drift past, especially as the sun is setting or it’s rainy and atmospheric. It’s a love we’ve always shared.

The concert date – It doesn’t have to be Madison Square Garden. In fact, it rarely is. Burger and wings at our local music joint is fine. One of our first dates in college was seeing the band, Aztec Two Step. Since then, we’ve enjoyed a lot of the big acts—Prince, Bruce Springsteen, and the Stones—but we also love our local acoustic guitar players. Even better, sometimes that local, acoustic guitar player is our son Patrick, a weekend musician. Listening to our boy play at one of the local venues is a concert date we never could’ve envisioned back in college.

The back porch date – When the weather turns mild, one of our favorite times is sitting on the back porch. We’ve always shared a love of our woodsy Connecticut home and have so few months to enjoy these outdoor meals. Between the hoot of the barred owl, croak of the bull frogs, and chirp of cardinals and blue jays, we’re treated to a symphony of natural sound. Sometimes Randy plays some soft piano or classical music to accompany. These dinners remind us how much we love nature, and the beautiful state we live in, and how the seasons and years and life go so very fast.

There’s one thing these meals all have in common—they bring us back to our roots. They remind us how after all these decades, we still enjoy each other’s company. We walk away remembering what we have in common and why we still love each other.

Phew. Murder averted.


Do you have favorite date places with your partner? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like to receive posts by email, just press here.  Thank you


    • Marcia @ Menopausal Mother

    • 10 months ago

    We love having wine in our garden or on the front porch but favorite date would be Morikami Jaoanese Gardens —-a stroll in the garden and lunch at the cafe!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 10 months ago

      Marcia, That sounds like heaven!

    • Leslie Girmscheid

    • 11 months ago

    Glad to know others experience the same urges. I found an anniversary card years ago that said “If I’d poisoned you thirty years ago, I’d be out on parole today” that both of us laughed over. I posted it on Fb as a balance to all the lovey dovey sentiments that others post that make one wonder if one’s relationship is OK. Anyway, one of our favorite dates is going to Portland, Maine for the food–the restaurants and provisions (bread from Standard Bakery and fish from Harbor Fish Market) that we bring back home to our Boston area home.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Leslie, Funny card! Yes, marriage is always a mixture of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    • Carol A Cassara

    • 11 months ago

    Some good ideas here!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Thanks, Carol!

    • Mona Andrei aka Moxie-Dude

    • 1 year ago

    Love this! Our fave date is simply a charcuterie picnic on our bed with a nice bottle of wine and great chats!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Mona, Excellent suggestion!

    • Melanie Studer

    • 1 year ago

    Love your date categories! We love couch dates with a great Netflix binge:)

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Melanie, Those are also wonderful!

    • Pennie Nichols

    • 1 year ago

    Since you first posted this, I took my honey on a 3-day long date. I chose experience over stuff for his birthday. We visited friends in the neighboring state and spend a whole day in the Grapevine Meow Wolf museum. I think these experiential gift-dates will become a thing for us.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Pennie, What a great idea! I’m sure he loved it.

  1. I love this post, Laurie!
    Sometimes, spontaneity is the very best for us! One of our best dates was sitting on the tailgate of his dead truck in the Rona parking lot waiting for the tow truck. We were eating burgers from the A&W across the street and watching the sunset of a long summer evening. Perfect!
    And totally unplanned!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Diane, What a magical night! And what fun.

  2. You reminded me of all the dates that Chris and I had around CT and NYC. We miss those restaurants. Unfortunately, Florida leaves a lot lacking in that area. So many restaurants are so bland and tasteless. We haven’t even found good Chinese down here yet. We might find one good dish at each different restaurant, but can’t seem to find one restaurant that does it all. When we go back to CT the first place we always hit is our favorite Chinese restaurant. And, of course, Viron’s in Cheshire, which was our local date night favorite. Our first date was at Viron’s bar back when it was called Brix.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Jennifer, I’ve been to Cheshire a few times, such a pretty town. Yes, we’re lucky around here. Between the city and just local fare, we have a lot.

  3. We are avid travelers and our dates are our many trips!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Carol, Sounds like a good plan!

    • Lea Sylvestro

    • 2 years ago

    What a great piece! Perfect that you open with the humor and the near-reality of getting through the trying times! Your sensory descriptions of the food and sounds specific to your different dates are lovely. You and Randy have a wonderful relationship! XXOO

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Lea, And I see you and Dave are also close — life-long best friends and companions.

  4. Lovely. And how true that the simple pauses over shared joyed can save us.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Pennie, Yes. Doing what we love together is a great way to reconnect.

  5. It is interesting, marriage, and your posts. Because I know just from reading your work, just from the communication we have through
    this group, that you and Randy have a WONDERFUL MARRIAGE. Thanks for sharing your memories. John and I are going to share some
    today…weeding the garden. LOVE GROWS EVERYWHERE, Beth

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Beth, Weeding the garden is a wonderful task to share! I find as we grow older, it’s the small moments that make a marriage stronger.

  6. Glad to hear everyone is still alive and kicking! Lol. What is it about travel that just makes the old new again? I think it’s the shared new experiences. Something new to talk about and you get your brain out of the old grooves.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Kristine, So very true!

  7. All of the above! How I wish I could take a short hop into The Big Apple for the evening! We’ll just have to stick to Edmonton, our own small town, and our own back yard!
    Oh, Laurie, this is glorious! Yes, dating each other has definitely kept us together!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Diane, You two are still good friends and sometimes getting off together and just sharing a meal is all it takes to rekindle that closeness.

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