

Isn’t it wonderful when you discover something that takes you out of our often-scary world? This happened to me when my friend Lisa and I stumbled upon Pickleball, the new sports craze. Picture badminton, ping pong, and tennis all at once while you smack a fist-sized wiffle ball back and forth across a net with paddles. I discovered three wonderful things while playing this game:

I was immediately put “in the moment” – It’s hard to think of anything else when that plastic orb is bouncing (or arcing or zooming) toward you. Plus, pickleball has more rules than I expected. Every play involves not only trying to hit the ball but having to remember where you stand, who serves, and the score. 

We soon realized Pickleball is like a modern-day minuet with steps and positions constantly changing. But it’s good for the mind and the world fades away.

There’s instant camaraderie – Lisa and I met four other players, mostly our age, except for one older gentleman in his 80’s named Peter. They were all incredibly good and Lisa and I sat on a bench watching and were amazed. Fast, explosive volleys went on for several minutes. These players had lightning-fast reflexes and made mind-bending stretches to snag that ball. The four had been playing several years and it showed.

Although Lisa and I were rank amateurs, our Pickleball gurus patiently explained the rules and encouraged us as we started to get a feel for the game. (Full disclosure: I accidentally hit Peter in the head with the wiffle ball. He was wonderfully good-natured about it, thank goodness). 

It’s fun to smack things around – There’s something satisfying about whacking that plastic ball. I haven’t played a racket sport since I was in seventh grade and my dad put up the badminton net. Lisa used to play tennis and you could tell by her powerful hits that zoomed over the net. I was told I have a decent ‘spin’ but have no idea what that means. I just smiled and nodded.

Before long, that little plastic ball started to symbolize everything I don’t like these days–the news (whack!).… Certain politicians (whack!). The fact that it’s impossible to lose weight past a certain age (double whack!) If only all problems could be solved so easily.

Then there was the next day. I had aches and pains in places I never knew existed. I texted Lisa and asked if she felt the same. “Yes!” she answered. “We used muscles not used in years!” 

Amen. Despite all that, Lisa and I want more Pickleball. But before we step back onto that court, we want to find a quiet spot we can peacefully lob the ball back and forth. I can work on not hitting people.  

That said, look out world. Pickleball has two more fanatics taking it on, giving that ball a good what-for, exercising a new set of muscles, and blissfully tuning out the news.


Do you play pickleball or any other game? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like to have posts delivered by email, just press here.

Thank you!


  1. I do love this, Laurie. So honest and fun. When I lived in California, everyone was playing. But it’s just not for me. I do applaud you for getting in the game, while I post this, and then go for a long walk.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Beth, I still love my walks the most. Not playing Pickle Ball as much as I was, but still fun once in a while.

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