
My Yorkie Libby has taught us a lot in six years. Patience, fortitude, and endurance come to mind. But she’s also given some unexpected life lessons, maybe even caused us to look at ourselves differently. Here are five things our pint-sized Libby does each day, which I’ve added to my regime too… 

Adventure – It doesn’t have to be a trip around the world. Libby loves our daily walks around the neighborhood. And even though it’s the same routine each day, it changes depending on the light, weather and season. Despite the same terrain, Libby always finds something new and interesting to explore.

Her relentless curiosity inspires me to look deeper into my own surroundings: the amazing flowers of spring, the bumblebees of summer, wafting fall leaves, and the soft snowfalls of winter. They’re all there in their own time. Libby has helped me slow down and cherish each one.  

Socializing – More than anything, Libby loves being with everyone. Put another way, she hates being alone. “Everyone” includes my husband Randy, my mom and two grown sons (when they’re around). Whenever there’s one or two family members together, you’ll find Libby. If she was alone all day, I see how sad she’d be. She always needs her family nearby. It gives this Yorkie a sense of belonging.

Libby’s helps me see how connection is vital. An introvert by nature, I still need family and friends as much as ever. Whether it’s catching up on everyone’s days, solving the world’s problems or just listening, Libby reminds us the pack is important.

Cuddles – Each day Libby climbs onto my lap, and we have one of our ‘moments.’ She gazes into my eyes and plants kisses on my cheek with her little pink tongue. And I know I’m not alone in her affection campaign. Each day this little dog shows frenzied, tail-wagging love to every beloved person she encounters. It only lasts a minute, but all get a formal, heart-felt greeting.

Seeing Libby’s example, I make more of a point in hugging my husband each day, as well as my mom and sons. And if there’s no one around to hug, you can hug yourself! Libby reminds me that we all need touch and affection.

Play – Libby will grab one of her little plush animals and shake it ferociously, growl, and try and tear it to bits. We end up with toy stuffing everywhere. Isn’t that delightful? Yes, but that’s her way of playing.

Sometimes she’ll shove a toy at me until I pick it up and throw it. And even though I’m in the middle of making dinner or doing housework or writing this blog post, a play break feels good. I’ll stop what I’m doing, and we’ll play fetch and ‘keep away’ for a few minutes. I always go back to what I was doing feeling refreshed. 

Rest – Libby will play and run and leap and gallop…until she stops. Then she must rest and it can be anywhere at any time, in the middle of a crowded party, under the Thanksgiving table or on top of some newly-folded laundry. She feels no guilt resting and relaxing in the middle of the day. 

I must admit, this is one area I’m good at. I love reading, so curling up with a good book is never hard. But there are days when the to-do list is more frantic than others. Even taking 15 minutes breaks here and there helps. Libby shows how downtime, and honoring the body’s need for rest, is a big part of self-care. 

And that’s it. Amazing what animals can teach us. Just when we think we know it all, a little Yorkie shows there’s still much more to learn.


Does your cat or dog teach you how to live better? Comments are always welcome. If you’d like to receive posts by email, just press here.


    • Leslie Girmscheid

    • 3 months ago

    I wish I could just drop and rest any time I need to. Our dogs and cats have got that right.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 months ago

      Leslie, They sure do!

    • Beth Havey

    • 12 months ago

    Love the way you outlined all her traits. She is precious.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 12 months ago

      Thanks so much, Beth!

  1. All of those things are so true. I miss my two little dogs so much. Hopefully, after I pay off their vet bills, I’ll be able to get a new one of my own. In the meantime, I get to hang out with my roommate’s cat and my friend next door’s dog and dog sit for my daughter.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Rebecca, Sounds like you have lots of wonderful animals in your life so in the meantime, you’re good!

  2. You are so right on. However hub and I are not home enough to properly care for an animal. In the past we had a cat, and a dog for a time when the kids were young. Now I have granddogs and dog sit occasionally for friends.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Meryl, Smart thinking. There’s nothing sadder than an animal left alone too much. You’re doing the right thing.

  3. Nice article. It’s a reminder about taking time for relaxing and joy.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Rita, Thank you!

  4. My life has improved in so many ways since getting Fiona. For all the reason listed above. I just look at her and melt.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Lauren, I feel the same way about Libby. How lucky we are!


    • 1 year ago

    You are right on the money with this one. Those 5 things are good for our pets and for us. Often we forget that we need those things, but they do make our lives better and richer.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Janeane, So very true!

    • Heather Holter

    • 1 year ago

    Iove my dogs.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Heather, You have several! More mess, but more love, no doubt.

  5. They teach us every day, don’t they?

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Carol, That, they do!

  6. Pets teach us SOOO many things. Wild animals too! They teach us all of this and more. Thanks for sharing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Pennie, Yes, wild animals teach us too. Can’t imagine living outdoors every day of your life. Amazing.

  7. You’re right– we all need this stuff. Every bit of it.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Carol, No doubt!

  8. Awwwww I love this!! My 2 fur babies are my world!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Marcia, I believe it!

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