Have you ever reached a certain age and then can’t believe you’re there? It seems like yesterday you’re young and dewy-eyed and then in no time at all, you’re in that “7th inning stretch”. Still, there are things I’ve learned in my sixties that came along in no other decade, little specks of wisdom I wouldn’t trade for anything. Here are the top six…
We see how the inside never changes. I keep expecting to feel old in my 60s and it never happens. Yes, the outside has changed, but that person inside? She’s still there, loving life, wanting to savor each moment, writing and reading and dancing around, even more than my impatient, eye-rolling younger self. Is that never-changing part of ourselves our soul? That ever hopeful, game-for-more, joyous vibration deep down? I like to think so.
Our tribe is more important than ever. Is it me or is the world getting scarier? I guess it always has been. Each generation has their traumas and terrors. And yet in my 60s I feel the need to band closer with family and friends who make me feel safe, less afraid, and lonely. The nice thing is that our tribe doesn’t always have to be the same age, gender, or race. They don’t even have to be people we know. Certain authors, speakers, and musicians instantly uplift me. In addition to family and friends, I seek them out a lot.
The art of tuning out the world. – These days, I spend five minutes scrolling the New York Times and Washington Post headlines and the next thirty minutes doing word puzzles. It’s not that I don’t care about the world’s problems and let’s face it, that’s all these papers cover. I care too much. I can’t process the never-ending litany of sadness, tragedy, and senseless violence. For my own mental health, in my 60s, I’ve learned to be very selective about what information I let into my brain.
All medical check-ups are a “must” – Sigh. I used to put off annual physicals as long as possible. I have terrible White Coat Syndrome (my blood pressure rises the moment I enter the waiting room). One doctor told me I had the worst case he’d ever seen. When I was younger, I’d skip a year or two here or there. One time I realized four years had gone by since I’d had an important medical exam. Oops. And when I went, I was shaking like a leaf, sure they’d find something horrible. In my 60s I vowed to make check-ups timely, not only for health, but for my stress level. So far, it makes things easier.
Life becomes more precious in ways we never understood when younger. Sitting in the local coffee shop eating an egg and pepper sandwich. Looking at the little fish and frogs swimming in our backyard pond. Reading with my Yorkie Libby on my lap. Sitting around the dinner table with family and friends. When younger, these were small ‘blips’ on the way to real life. When you’re in your 60s, you realize these are real life and when you look sometimes at your happiest memories, they’re these tiny, irreplaceable nuggets.
We trust our intuition more. When young, I’d dismiss that inner voice as ‘just my imagination.’ Who knew? That voice turned out to be important. In my 60s I’m bigger than ever on asking for guidance and taking those usually small steps asked in return: Call that person. Take this road, not that one. Wait and be patient. Okay, now act. By the time we’re in our 60s we know ourselves well and what feels right and what doesn’t. I also tune in to spiritual gurus who are life-affirming, hopeful, and positive. I need that as much as ever.
Yes, in our 60s, we’re in the young part of growing old. And no doubt, health and money play into everything. But even for those struggling, many I know are still game, still wanting to take a bite out of life.
Sometimes I look at the young and dewy-eyed and think, you have such an amazing road ahead. I know it’s hard to believe now, but your 60s can be amazing.
Are you at this decade yet? Or past it? What are your thoughts? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like to receive posts by email, just press here.
Mona Andrei aka Moxie-Dude
“… in our 60s, we’re in the young part of growing old…” LOVE. THIS. LINE. And as a newly-turned 60-year-old, you have no idea how much I needed to read this. THANK YOU!
Laurie Stone
Mona, So glad. I feel like we’re the freshman class of old age.
All of the above! The sixties are just amazing!
Love this, Laurie!
Laurie Stone
Diane, Thanks so much. The 60s are amazing, like all the ages.
Joy Weese Moll
I turned 61 last month. I’ve seen glimmers of all of these and I’m looking forward to more. Thanks for describing clear mile posts for my journey.
Laurie Stone
Joy, My pleasure. Welcome to Club 60.
Pennie Nichols
On board with all these things!
Laurie Stone
Pennie, Not surprised!