
Ever find a bunch of old products that seemed like a good idea at the time? When cleaning out our garage, my husband Randy and I came upon a pile of cataclysmic pet items we had bought over the years. I sighed. They’d come with such high hopes. But reality soon set in.

The Electric Litter Box

This gadget was bought by Randy in hopes that each “offering” by our late cat Rocky would be raked by a metal bar that electronically combed the litter. It would then push the waste into a plastic bag hanging off the end. We’d simply pick up the bag and throw it away. No more scooping.

There was one problem. We turned it on, and cat litter flew everywhere. By the time we found the off switch, cat litter (clean, thank God) was in our hair and on our clothing. Once we figured it out, we tried getting Rocky to use it but something about this gadget (maybe the hum of the motor) freaked him out. He started doing his business everywhere but the box, and the boring plastic litter container was reinstated.

The “Grab-Bag” of Discount Terrier Toys –

Our Yorkie Libby loves toys more than any dog I know. So, during Covid, when I wasn’t shopping, I bought a gift bag online of discount (okay, cheap) little plush toys. I pictured Libby taking her time with each one – an adorable green dinosaur, a sweet pink bunny, a precious white lamb, and others. I’d dispense a new one every few weeks.

Instead, Libby went through each offering like Al Capone in a bad mood. She shook them in her jaws. She pulled out their eyes. She opened their bodies and wrenched out their stuffing with her teeth. At the end of a week, Libby had gone through the entire bag, and I was still finding body parts. From then on, we bought only the toughest, well-made, “terrier-proof” toys we could find. 

The Kitty “Fun Center” –

It drove me crazy when Rocky sharpened his claws on our furniture. So, we came up with the perfect solution – the “Fun Center” as it was called in the pet store. A giant, carpeted scratching post, about five feet tall, with a few perches for kitty to “hang out.” I pictured Rocky loving the “Fun Center” and doing all his nail sharpening there. Our furniture would be spared.

Sigh. Rocky despised the “Fun Center.” We’d have to pick him up and place him onto one of its perches. He’d sit there, angry, and slit-eyed, (“I’m. Not. Having. Fun.”) until he jumped off. We even sprinkled cat nip all over and yes, that attracted Rocky for two seconds – long enough to get high. But the “Fun Center’s” appeal was lost on our tabby. In fact, I think Rocky started scratching furniture even more, probably in protest.

The “Small Dog” Auto Companion Seat

Libby has always been a problem in the car. She gets nervous and wants to touch me while I’m driving. Once she jumped in my lap and pushed down on the horn while I sat in a crowded intersection. Something had to be done. So, I bought this cute little vinyl, front seat “companion box” for Libby. I pictured hours of driving with the terrier happily buckled in beside me, looking out the window, smiling and content.

Instead, Libby became so stressed over her new perch, she gave this loud, frantic, ever-escalating banshee wail. “What is this thing? Get me out of here!” she seemed to be saying. At one point, my ears hurt so much from her high-pitched hysteria, I had to pull to the side of the road and cover them. Finally, I gave up. Now I just loop her leash tight under the head rest in the passenger seat, so she’s near me but kept (somewhat) at bay.

And there you have it. All gifts bought with the best of intentions, but alas, our animals either ignored, disdained, or destroyed them.

Our hearts were in the right place. But our pets were having none of it.


Have you had any disastrous pet products? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like, please share.

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    • Alana

    • 9 months ago

    Years ago, I owned parakeets. I went through the parakeet version of “he/she will love this toy/birdbath/perch”. Nope/nope/nope. I never did figure out why one thing was OK and another thing scared them or was just rejected, period.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 months ago

      Alana, They’re so cute!

    • Linda Kinsan{ My WAHM Plan

    • 9 months ago

    I can almost invision the cat litter mess you had to clean up! My cat won’t drink from her water bowl that resuculates to the water to keep it fresh and I think it’s due to the hum of it as well.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 months ago

      Linda, Cats are finicky creatures, indeed!

    • Pennie Nichols

    • 11 months ago

    The litter box… how many times have I considered that! Glad I didn’t pull the trigger on it!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Pennie, Alas, we couldn’t make it work. Maybe more talented people could.

    • Carol A Cassara

    • 11 months ago

    The ramp that was too steep for our little ones. The balls too big for their jaws. Oh, the list!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Carol, Sounds like you also have a blog post!

  1. I love the tenacity of your animals. I WILL DO IT MY WAY.

    I also love your belief in these gadgets…that YES, THIS ONE IS DEFINiTELY GOING TO WORK.
    So tenderly, when will you and Randy learn?

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Beth, Ha ha! Unfortunately, we’ve learned the hard way over the years, as so many lessons are.

  2. Oh honey. I am so with you on this post. So many trials that didn’t work out!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Carol, Laughing. I’m sure your fur babies are well stocked!

  3. I can relate to all except the last one. We haven’t tried the electric litter thing either, but I can see why that would be problematic!! We are dog sitting right now and I’ve decided puppies (at least) require one brand new (DURABLE) toy a day. We have so much fluff around the house from the ones he has destroyed!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Paula, It’s amazing what pets can do to their toys. Scary!

  4. I bought the companion seat for Fiona. She hates it too. And as tiny as she is she can maul through those toys too!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Lauren, I wonder if the little dogs are the most ferocious!

  5. Hysterical, Laurie, and yes, I’ve had so many toy failures. The closest to success have been this thick red rubber Kong that you can stick peanut butter inside. “Guaranteed to provide your pet with hours of fun.” Ha! It took all of 60 seconds for Annie to retrieve the peanut butter and she’s ready for her next fun thing! At least with cats, a simple cardboard box will do. xoxo, Brenda

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Brenda, It’s amazing how much cats love cardboard boxes. Even lions in the wild have been shown to lie in one on the tundra!

  6. I am laughing my head off even as a non pet-parent. When we downsized in 2019 I had a mild heart attack looking at all the toys we had bought the boys ….

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Antoinette, Yes, kids and pets seem to attract lots of ‘stuff’ in general.

  7. Sasha and Misha refuse to play with any new toys I bring home for them. Instead, they insist on carrying around an old slipper. Sasha brings it upstairs, Misha takes it down again. I guess they are too old to be interested in new gadgets.

    I just bought the electronic litter box for the new kitten. So far so good. The motor doesn’t start up until the kitten is clear for 20 minutes.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Adela, Laughing over the ‘up and down’ system of Sasha and Misha and the old slipper. Hilarious. Glad you’re having good luck with the litter box. Ours was bought decades ago so maybe they’re improved them.

    • Elizabeth Guyott

    • 3 years ago

    We have a large basket full of cat toys that no feline ever played with. Our granddaughter loves it though. . ,

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Elizabeth, Laughing. I’m glad someone got use out of them!

  8. I laughed at this, Laurie! Husby gets caught in the ‘Pandy will love this’ loop. A lot. But I can’t totally blame him. A couple of days ago, I bought a ‘starter’ set of dog-talk buttons. My thinking? Pandy’s smart. She’ll get this in no time! Three days in and we’re seeing little progress. Except now when I say “Wanna treat?” she hides. Just like when I say, “Walkies?” Sigh.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Diane, That sounds fascinating, the dog-talk buttons. Although not sure if I want to know what Libby’s thinking…

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