
It’s easy to get discouraged by the human race these days. So much fighting, turmoil, and hate. But there’s one place I go where I see great diversity. Different breeds get along fine, no matter color, age, shape, or size. Yes, over at the dog park, good manners abound — with one notable exception.

Everyone is greeted… fervently – Nothing is more exciting than a new arrival! All dogs gather and stare out the metal fence while the new attendee is brought out of his or her car. A few excited yips sound while the newcomer is led through the double gates, to the excited, welcoming throngs. (Some dogs like this group greeting more than others. I sense my eleven-pound Yorkie Libby could do without the welcoming committee).

Everyone is accepted without hesitation – No dog is ever shunned, ignored, or bullied (if anyone misbehaves, they must leave). “Let’s play!” seems to be the rallying cry and everyone’s invited. If a dog doesn’t want to play (Like Libby who I’m learning is a huge introvert), no problem. The other dogs do their own thing. If Libby changes her mind to go run with the pack (rarely), they’re more than happy to take her back. Everything is chill. A hippie commune is more uptight.

Everyone shares – A few decrepit looking tennis balls are always lying around, but the dogs don’t mind. In fact, the slimier and dirtier the better! Water bowls are also scattered about and the humans take turns filling them. It doesn’t matter how many gross tongues have slurped that water, so that it starts looking like the day after a drunken frat party. Sharing is fun!

Everyone lets each other “be” – Some dogs (mostly young ones) want to do nothing but scamper, run, and fetch. Other, more enterprising types, like to dig holes. In fact, there’s always a few craters here and there I try not to fall into. Still others like to keep their noses to the ground, having one giant sniff-a-thon. Libby especially loves to investigate the park’s edges, looking for that one Yorkie-size hole to escape. (Yes, I know my girl and watch her carefully).

But then there’s this…

Everyone gets to know each other (*cough*) too intimately – Sigh. Dogs will be dogs. Let’s face it, they’re disgusting. They love to sniff each other in gross places. Even Libby who I think believes she’s above the fray, can’t resist a good backside inspection. To me, she’s my dainty little white puffball, but once in a while, I’m reminded, ick, she’s a gross canine. I also know dogs can get publicly “amorous,” but thank God, haven’t seen any of that behavior.

Sometimes I wonder: what if the Government was run like the dog park? 

What if Congress acted like canines, in terms of acceptance, sharing, and respect? After all, if you don’t play nice at the dog park, you’re not allowed in anymore. Wouldn’t that be nice in the Senate? What if everyone was allowed to just “be?”

Alas. Something to ponder as I walk around, trying not to step on soggy tennis balls.



Don’t you wish everyone had good manners like (most) dogs? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like, please share.

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  1. Gosh, I wish the human race was more like this. I’ve heard that humans often don’t deserve dogs and in this case, I’m pretty sure that’s correct. (Now I have to go love on my puppy).

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Nikki, I think animals help us become more human in many ways. Yes, go love on that sweet puppy!

    • Ann Donnelly

    • 4 years ago

    Laurie after visiting a dog park for the first time I was astounded by how dogs of many different breeds (often in one dog) communicated while they played. We then revisited the dog park a few times and it was a delightful experience. Maybe we should make potential politicians have to observe and learn dog park behavior before they can run for office. 😏

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Ann, Great idea! I love how the different breeds were often in one dog. LOL.

  2. That’s such a hilarious story. It makes me miss my dogs. I wish humans could be so accomodating.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Rebecca, Me too, but alas…

  3. Maybe if the government was (metaphorically) open to having the gross parts examined, we’d start to move forward.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Adela, Laughing. Anything that would improve their behavior…

    • Lea Sylvestro

    • 4 years ago

    A light, wonderful way to make a powerful point. A Congress that gives proposed legislation thoughtful consideration? A Congress that considers the well-being of the people and the country? A Congress that treats its member with respect and courtesy? Impossible to imagine in our current world. That dogs are a model our current Congress cannot possibly meet is a deeply troubling observation…yet, true. Great piece! XO

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Lea, So true. Unfortunately, the dog park is a level of courtesy and compassion we’ll never achieve in our congress. Sigh.

  4. If only…
    Oh the things we could learn by watching our dogs!
    Our Pandy loves them but always ends up bullied. Sigh.
    Fabulous post, Laurie!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Diane, That’s terrible! Sometimes dogs get too exuberant in their play. People are expected to watch their dogs carefully for any aggressive behavior and so far, haven’t seen any.

    • Ellen Smith

    • 4 years ago

    Love this Laurie!
    Our Ollie has taken a roll somewhere between “Dog Park Ambassador” and “Walmart Greeter” He has to run to greet every new kid! (whether the new dog wants this immediate attention, or, like an “I’m just looking” shopper, would like to be left to blend in on their own time)

    I couldn’t agree more about the governing of the dog park. We could learn a lot from our furry friends. As people often say, we don’t deserve dogs. 🐶🥰💝

    1. Great post Laurie,
      Sadly I don’t have a dog! But we have doves and they don’t always play nice. Nothing like a good wing slap before breakfast sometimes! But they are usually welcoming of randoms who sit on top of the aviary and eat up the bits of seed they find. They’re not too impressed when a sparrow gets into the aviary though, to collect little feathers for their nests. The sparrow moves too fast and confounds them!

        • Laurie Stone

        • 4 years ago

        Jennie, I had no idea doves didn’t play nice! Wing slaps and everything. I love watching birds. You must enjoy your avian friends.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Ellen, Yes, most dogs are like Walmart greeters! Libby and Ollie are both “just looking.” Too funny.

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