

I can see my husband rolling his eyes now. ”If I hear about this dog one more time.” He calls her a “football-size tornado.” To me, she’s my adorable Papillion/Yorkie. I love Libby. (And despite his bluster, so does Randy). Maybe you’re contemplating getting a dog. If that’s true, let me recount how Libby makes life better, with one small exception.

She has good timing – If Libby had arrived when I had two sticky-fingered little boys running around, I would’ve gone mad. For a dog that weighs about 10 lbs., Libby’s larger than life. She needs attention…lots of it. When my kids were little, pets were relegated to being… pets. If I had Libby earlier, I never would’ve been able to give her the spoiling devotion I do now, and that would’ve been sad for both of us.

She’s small and adorable – Like Halloween candy, Libby comes in “fun size.” She’s little and fluffy. I love scooping her up like a furry baby and kissing her nose (I sense she indulges me on this). Where our former, larger dogs weren’t allowed on the bed or furniture, pint-size Libby goes everywhere. She even fits on the back of my chair as I write, like a low-back pillow (she’s there now).

She’s smart – Libby knows what she wants and is not above using canine wiles to get it. I often give her a treat when she “does her business” outside. But lately I’ve noticed something. Libby goes out and “pretends” to lift her leg, mimicking going to the bathroom. She comes in expecting that little goodie. It took me a while to catch on. Now I trust, but verify.

She’s playful – Everything’s an invitation to play for Libby — moving your hand a certain way, eye contact, breathing. Libby loves when I toss one of her many plush toys high in the air (which she leaves all over the house like a toddler) and goes for that “mid-air catch.” She’s so proud when she accomplishes this feat. She’ll shake the toy while we try and “rescue” it from her. Libby takes playtime seriously and schedules it in everyday.

She’s girlie – I never got to deck out my sons in pink (don’t think I didn’t try). So the next best thing is a pink harness and leash for my little girl dog. She even has a pink crate. The other day I picked out a little raincoat for her. It’s such a nice change from the navy blue blazers and white shirts of my sons’ “dress up” occasions. Now I can go crazy. If I could buy her skirts and dresses I would.

She’s affectionate — Libby never leaves my lap or anyone else’s for that matter. She must be touching someone… always. Many times if I’m on my bed, Libby has to lie right next to me. This is fine for a while, but she starts getting too warm. I try and adjust her and she’ll stay away for a while, but eventually comes back like a heat-seeking missile. My God, I wanted a lap dog, but this is ridiculous.

Now, here’s where Libby gets challenging…

She’s bossy – Libby feels she runs our house. And God help anyone coming through she hasn’t authorized with visitation privileges. This can lead to loud barking at perfectly wonderful people. (I always cursed those yappy little dogs. Now I have one). A British friend spent a few hours with Libby and declared, in his upper crust accent, “She’s s an irritable little creature.”

I beg to differ. Libby isn’t irritable. She just likes to make her presence known…enthusiastically.

But love is blind… or in my case, deaf.

To me, Libby’s not only wonderful. She’s useful. My kids have grown. I needed something to indulge and cuddle and love.

And that’s why pets are nice later in life. I’ve had animals since I was a kid, but there’s something especially sweet about their companionship now, especially with an empty nest.

Yes, Libby’s my baby. The best thing is she won’t grow up and borrow the car and come home too late. She won’t wear too much make-up. She won’t go off to college and someday get married and move away.

Libby will stay right where she is – loving us, making us laugh, and sometimes driving us crazy. She’s ours forever (well, almost).

And for me…that makes her perfect.



Do you have a Libby in your life? Comments are always welcome and if you like, please share. If you’d like to receive posts by email, just hit the “Subscribe” button up top. Thank you!


    • Pam

    • 4 years ago

    Aw, Libby is precious! And, she sounds VERY much like my Sunny (my “old lady baby” 15 year old Yorkie.) Sunny is high maintenance and so very worth it. I really enjoyed reading about your Libby.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Pam, Thank you so much. Sunny sounds adorable!

  1. My Pandy is all curled up in a tight little ball (for a big dog, that is a huge feat!) so she can fit beside my desk. I vaguely remember a time when I didn’t have to check before I pushed my chair back so I didn’t catch a foot!
    I read about your Libby and I wonder what I ever did before Pandy came into my life. I simply can’t imagine life without her! The scramble of feet and one loud bark just before the doorbell rings. The companion on my long, long walks. The silent watcher whenever Husby and I are in the kitchen. The nudge when it’s time to go to bed. The clown when the energy just has to be burnt somehow!
    These dogs are so much more than companions!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Diane, Do you feel that Pandy pushes you through your day? Libby’s always herding me — time for lunch, time for reading, time for walk, etc. She has the routine down better than me.

  2. I think we should introduce your sweet Libby to my Pandy. Libby can boss her around all she wants. A match made in Heaven!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, I wish they could meet! We could have some tea and watch them, such a nice vision.

  3. Libby is adorable, no two ways about it. And the love and joy she brings more than makes up for the bossiness, I’m sure. 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Lisa, Thank you. She is adorable and I guess bossiness is part of her charm!

  4. She’s adorable! Light and fluffy and fun sized, a perfect combination!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Christina, She’s my baby. Love her so much!

  5. Oh love that Libby! I’ve got a Buster Boo. And out of all the Buster Boos in the world, he is the Buster Booiest.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Barbara, Laughing. I love your little Buster Booiest. My dog is the Libby Dibbiest!

  6. I have tow sons and want a little girl doggie so badly! I hope I get a Libby!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Lauen, I hope you get a Libby too!

      1. I still don’t have my fur baby. But her name is Fiona. Just in case.

          • Laurie Stone

          • 5 years ago

          Lauren, Sounds like you just need to find her. Fiona is out there.

  7. Awww – I LOVE Libby! My Libby is called Jed. He’s a whole lotta fur love as well 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Mona, I think everyone should have a Libby or Jed in their lives.

  8. I have two small fur babies and I adore them. I love having a cuddly dog in my lap. The girl is a yapper and feels she has to protect me on walks. She won’t let me meet anyone without giving them a growl first. The boy loves everyone and plops immediately into the nearest lap. He has to wear a wrap in the house, though. Otherwise, he may give the wall a shower.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Rebecca, Libby sounds like a combination. She’ll yap at new people, but then be in their laps half hour later. Some people she never barks at. its very mysterious. A wrapper?? Might have to look into that. Libby still has accidents, much to my frustration.

  9. What is she wearing for Christmas? So cute!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Haralee, Never thought of that! We should get Libby a cute Christmas get-up, even if she wriggles out of it in ten minutes.

  10. Our Libby is Dino, a 13 year old cockapoo our younger son made me adopt from the SPCA, over my protestations,when he was a high school senior. He was right. After a rocky start, even my husband loves Dino. He’s definitely a life enhancer.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Suzanne, Dino sounds so cute! Yes, these pets are definitely life enhancers.

  11. I think I just fell in love with Libby (those ears!!) – would she like to come and live in Australia? My mum has a Chihuaha that is spoiled rotten and barks at any unapproved guests too. Mum says “she never barks” good grief I think the woman must be deaf – but man she loves that little dog!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Leanne, I bet Libby would love Australia! It looks so beautiful. Sounds like love is blind (or deaf) in your mom’s case. I totally understand.

  12. I have 2 little dogs that I love and adore for many of the same reasons. My girl dog, who is officially mine, won’t let me talk to strangers on walks. She always feels she has to protect me from them. She won’t let anyone except a few approved visitors in the house without going ballistic. I still couldn’t imagine life without her. My boy dog loves everyone and will land in anyone’s lap without even thinking about it.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Rebecca, Funny, my male dogs have also been more relaxed around strangers. Libby has to verify everyone. Maybe its a gender thing!

  13. She looks and sounds adorable.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Rachael, Libby totally gets by on her adorableness. I believe its the only way the species has survived over the centuries.

  14. Oh, now I long for another dog. Actually, I’ve been trying to get my resident feral cat to come closer. Today, it was within 5 feet of me. But I haven’t seen the cat since.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Jennifer, If you began feeding it, it might speed up the process. Then again, as I learned the hard way, they’re big hunters. Ours use to leave me endearing gifts like mouse body parts on my back porch to show its appreciation. Still, if the kitty is homeless, its nice to help.

  15. She is adorable! I like a dog who rules the roost. We had Old English Sheep Dogs for 16 years and when our last beloved died my husband and I didn’t know who was boss because we had been herded and bossed around for all those years. Now we have cats and everyone says cats are so much easier than dogs and while we don’t have to walk them we are still bossed around by them and willingly!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Haralee, Laughing about you and your husband being herded and bossed around for so many years, you don’t know what to do after! That sounds like a blog post to me. Yes, Libby can be too much, but we love her anyway.

  16. Awww, this is a lovely post! Dogs are always a handful, best to focus on the good things. Libby is the cutest! I have a cat and I love her to death. My fb also rolls his eyes sometimes, but I can’t help it. She’s my baby and always will be (even when we finally decide to have actual babies!).

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Johanne, I found pets to be a wonderful way to “break in” your husband or yourself when it comes to kids. Although children are more complicated, the feeding, responsibility and loving of pets can definitely get the wheels rolling.

  17. Hearing you describe your Libby makes me think about getting another pet. We had to put our 18 year old Corgi to sleep last year and we still miss him. I thought he’d be our last dog but I think I was wrong.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Shelley, Corgis are so cute! I don’t blame you. These dogs are hard to resist.

  18. Sounds like the scales are tipped in Libby’s favor.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Karen, Libby has it in the bag, no question.

  19. This really made me smile. I used to have a little long haired chihuahua called Holly (born on Christmas Day) and she was just the same apart from being okay with visitors. Her eyes used to follow me everywhere in the room. I still feel her with me now and it has been quite a few years since she went over the Rainbow Bridge.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Dorothy, I love the name “Holly” for a Christmas dog. She sounds so sweet.

  20. I love her–she is ADORABLE. I have three pugs and those are my babies.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Marcia, I love pugs! They’re so sweet. I can how they would be your babies.

  21. That faaaaace!!!

    She’s adorable!

    I don’t have any pets these days but I had the most wonderful Sheltie when I was a kid. I went through a very rough spot when my family moved going into my junior year in high school; I’d sort of been raised not to rock the boat so I never really let on to my folks, but Mistie always knew when I was sad and she was always ready with kisses and cuddles. Can’t imagine how much worse it would’ve been without her!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Bonnie, What a sweet story. Mistie sounds wonderful. Dogs are such great empaths. I’ve heard other people say the same thing about dogs helping out during tough times.

  22. I’ve decided I love Libby!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, She’s a handful, but can’t imagine life without her.

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