

The strangest thing happened in my grocery store the other day. I was walking around, feeling more relaxed than normal. I moved slower and calmer. I couldn’t help wonder why. But then I figured it out.

The store was quiet.

Not silent…but quiet. There was still the squeak of wheels on the floor and people talking. But there was no loud music or blaring announcements. It was almost…pleasant.

And then I realized how many public places I go to now, which used to be quiet, but are now anything but…

Car Service Centers – Ah, the good old days when you read a book or just vegged out while getting your oil changed. Now it’s impossible. The other day I was in the waiting room. There was not one television –but two — both with talking heads blaring out endless, horrifying, stress-inducing headlines. I saw then how there’s no escape from the world’s problems, even if you just want your tires rotated.

Doctor’s offices – Okay, if it’s not the news, it’s a cooking show. What if I don’t want to watch Rachael Ray make one of her “sammies” while waiting for the nurse? What if I don’t need to hear Bobby Flay concoct the best, lip-smacking barbecue rub while filling out insurance forms? What if I just want to God forbid… think?

Airplane gates – I’m not a good flyer and I’m sure I’m not alone. But at most major airports these days, there’s something new. At every gate there are televisions hanging from ceilings. Just in case flying isn’t stressful enough, there’s now cable news (yet again) with the latest alarmist, heart-pounding headlines, including even the occasional…of course…plane crash. Great. Why must we always be “plugged in,” even if we don’t want to be?

Restaurants – I’ve found certain restaurants–especially the chains–feel a need to compete with rock concerts for music volume. The other day, I was entering one with my 80-something year old mother. We opened the door and were met with a wall of sound that would’ve scared off Jimi Hendrix. Maybe its genetic, but we both looked at each other. “Let’s go somewhere quieter,” my mother suggested. I couldn’t blame her.

(And yes, I’m one of those obnoxious people who will ask if they can turn the music down a few notches).

Which leads me to my next question… is it me or is our world getting noisier? Why is there always a need to fill the air with non-essential sound?

Having said that,something interesting happened the other night…

I was watching the finale of “Project Runway,” a reality show competition for clothes designers. One of the designers — who happened to be Japanese — had composed his own song for the models to walk down the runway to. Instead of ear-splitting, pulsating techno music, usually found at these events, he had composed this barely audible, delicate, Asian melody.

As the show began, something incredible happened…

A quiet fell over the room as everyone listened to the soft notes, barely covering the swish of the models’ fabrics and squeak of the floorboards.

About a thousand people grew still. They seemed transfixed by this ethereal, almost-silent march. A hush came over, more meaningful and dare I say… almost spiritual… compared to a throbbing pop song. This designer made everyone in this noise-saturated American crowd…listen.

Coincidence or not, he won.

I realized then there’s something healing in non-noise. Most would agree, the world seems louder and more menacing than ever — instead of more stimulation, why not less?

And that brings me back to the supermarket. Maybe managers finally realized people would stay (and spend more money) if the experience were relaxing.

I hope it’s a trend. These days I take quiet wherever I can – libraries, my backyard, or a local park.

I just never thought I’d add my grocery chain.



How much do you need quietl? Comments are always welcome and if you like, please share. Thank you!

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  1. I’m not a fan of bombarding noise either. Give me peace. Give me quiet. Give me the opportunity to think, which I cannot do when loud voices, music, or any loud sounds attack.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Meryl, I’m the same exact way.

  2. My quiet time is when I go out for walks in the morning. I never plugin in headphones or look at my phone unless I have a photo op. The only noise is chattering birds. Sometimes cars roll by blasting music but I try to stay on quiet streets so it’s not so bad.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Rebecca, That sounds lovely. We live on a windy, narrow Connecticut road so can’t use headphones. I guess that’s a good thing.

  3. I’m losing my mind. I just commented but it disappeared. My thanks for today’s food for thought!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Carol, Laughing. Glad I’m not the only one!

  4. I believe there really is too much noise in our world. Thanks for giving me the day’s food for thought!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Carol, Glad to help!

  5. Someone has definitely turned the volume up. But I think as I get older, I’m becoming more sensitive to it. I know Husby, with his hearing aids, is definitely more sensitive. I’ve watched him wince and reach for his volume knob in more than one store or public place! And leave. (Storekeepers take note!)

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Diane, Although its too bad he has a hearing aid, there must be something nice about turning the volume down. Sometimes I wish I could do that.

  6. I’m an HSP – Highly Sensitive Person – and I can tolerate noise, as long as I can recover in the stillness of my house. I never thought about why running errands is so exhausting to me. Some of it surely is the noise I encounter at every stop!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Karen, Wow. Never thought of that. I can also find stores exhausting and wonder if its the noise. Restaurants can also be ridiculously loud with their music. I’ve asked them to turn it down, which usually they do. Embarrassing but true.

  7. I’d never thought of it before, but you’re right! Yes, YAY for quiet! Most things I do I prefer quiet. Certainly while I’m writing. I prefer quiet when I take my daily walks, as well. Many wear earbuds and rock out. I leave the earbuds at home and enjoy the sounds of nature and often have long conversations with myself. lol Point is, quiet is restful and nice. 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Lisa, I find quiet sacred. I also need socializing and people, but in much smaller doses.

  8. Yes, take back the quiet! And being still at least for a little while. Thanks for this!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Barbara, Aaah… stillness and quiet are sacred.

  9. I’m so glad you wrote this. The constant noise drives me nuts. Going to the local market and leaving with the worst 60s pop music stuck in my head. Restaurants where you have to shout. Thank you, Laurie!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Shari, Glad you liked it. Some people seem to have a lesser tolerance for loudness than others. Glad I’m not the only one.

  10. It’s not only hard to read a magazine in peace but it’s also hard to have a conversation with someone. You are either being bombarded by noise or are rushed or interrupted.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Rebecca, I sometimes wonder what would happen if there was no enforced noise in public places. How would society change… or not? Something to ponder.

  11. As a yoga instructor and practitioner, I’m more in favor of quiet music. I hear you about the loud tv noise in the doctor’s waiting room. I always bring a book but it’s hard to read when the tv is blasting.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Judy, Its one of my biggest pet peeves (as you can probably tell), this lack of quiet anywhere public. And I also love quiet music.

  12. Yes Laurie the noise level drives me crazy! My dentist now has TV and a cooking show on and I am friends with the hygienist so she turns off the volume so we can talk.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Haralee, Sometimes at the dentist I like the TV on as a distraction, but 99% of public places, I find it awful.

  13. Yes, noise levels are increasing every year in our world:

    Save yourself! Move to the country!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Laura, I actually live in a quiet, leafy part of Connecticut. I’m very grateful. I used to think I could live in the city, but not anymore.

  14. i love quietness, some days its required to find yourself, find the inner you. this post hits the point, there is noise everywhere and in everything

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Bhavna, I seem to need a lot of quiet. My husband’s the opposite. He loves noise. We’ve learned to strike a compromise.

  15. Yes! There is way too much noise in this world. Give me quiet any day.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Glad you agree, Talya!

  16. I’ve written before about this strange matter that seemed to take hold for my generation over the summer of ’04 for me in particular, where we went from being a community of people to a group of people with that shared spaces with plugs in our ears. I have found much of my generation requires noise all the time, but I’ve notice that much of my grandparents as well. Always a TV on…always.

    I like the quiet. It’s how I focus. There are places for noise, and there are places I could strongly do without.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Jess, I can’t work with noise. My husband can’t work without it. Funny how we’re all wired differently.

  17. I crave quiet. I like to wake up early so that I can have quiet time to myself. I even bribe my husband with coffee on his days off so he’ll stay in bed. Why? He’s a morning talker. I used to work in a call center. Aaargh! Noise all the time. We even had noise canceling units installed. You know what those are? White noise machines that damp down the noise everyone is making so you can only hear what’s close to you. Sounds like a loud AC unit. It was better than hearing over 500 people talking at the same time. But it was such sweet relief to walk outside the building.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Jennifer, I think I’d go crazy working in a call center. I give you credit. There’s something so soothing in quiet and never having that, would be hard.

  18. Its interesting because I have been trying to break myself of the habit of background noise when I am at home. However, I have a toddler, so even when there is not a tv or something on, there is always noise. One night recently, he spent a night with Grandma and the house was SO QUIET. It actually felt strange. Thats when I knew the background noise was an addiction

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Lisa, I get in the mood for quiet too at home, but then start craving music or something. Its the noise that’s forced on us in public that makes me crazy.

    • Chantelle

    • 7 years ago

    Love this post! I’m sound sensitive and when the volume turns up in the shops, especially the fitting rooms… I just leave everything and go home.
    One day I can work whilst listening to ACDC and next day I can’t focus with any noise around me. Our brains have their own unique way of working!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Chantelle, I can’t work with any noise on. My husband can’t work in silence. You’re right, we’re all wired differently and I love the term “noise sensitive.” Its a perfect description.

  19. It’s definitely not just you. I can’t stand it. My daughter was so embarrassed when I begged a store clerk once to please turn the music down. I don’t understand it either, but I think they do it so you can’t think. Can’t think about what you’re spending at least at stores, but if its too loud I will leave. I just can’t take it.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Rena, Sounds like a possible theory. We can’t escape noise in this society and you’re right. I don’t think they want us to think.

    • Sue

    • 7 years ago

    Thank you!! I thought I was the only one…..I find many places are way to loud-and the penchant for always being connected does not help. I don’t need to hear someone’s entire life story-or the latest potty training/sick kid/etc) story.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Sue, So funny. I was in a nice little coffee shop today and the music blaring would’ve fit into Madison Square Garden. It was so loud. Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.

  20. I’ve had the same experience at the grocery store, Laurie. I’m trying to figure out when the ‘music black outs’ are so I can go during that timeframe. I believe there are studies that show people buy more or move along faster while they shop depending on the type of music playing. So there is some science backing the sound in stores. But I’m with you. I feel much more serene with quiet and don’t like to have music blasting everywhere. Especially music I have not chosen. I can’t stand TV in the background at home or away, so I don’t appreciate that coming at me against my will either.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Molly, That’s it — the noise that’s against our will. Even at home I prefer quiet, where my husband Randy loves music. Even if its soft music, I can’t work with it on. Crazy. Glad I’m not the only one!

      1. I’m the same way, Laurie. Music in the background when I am working makes me tired.

          • Laurie Stone

          • 7 years ago

          Molly, I just can’t seem to filter out noise when I’m working. My husband can’t work without music. I think we have very different brains.

  21. Hi Laurie! I do think we are addicted to noise–but most of the time that addiction is really just a distraction. I think we fill our moments with busy-ness and stuff so that we don’t have to actually consider what is happening in our world or our lives. Until we are willing to be alone and content with ourselves we will likely just keep the music (or TV) playing. Good for you for noticing the difference. ~Kathy

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Kathy, I agree, I try and be more present at home. Its in the outside world with its constant blaring televisions that drive me crazy. Why can’t we have quiet anymore, especially in waiting rooms? I just don’t get it.

  22. The world is getting noisier – to the point that silence makes us all take notice. I never understood those who couldn’t work without music or a TV going in the background. I can’t concentrate if there are too many distractions and I don’t enjoy eating and paying for a meal during which I had to shout to be heard.

    I hope you said something to the manager of that grocery store so he/she knows that you appreciated the quiet.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Janis, Great idea about telling the manager how nice the quiet is. Never thought of that. Sounds like you and I are very much alike.

  23. I NEED quiet to think and work efficiently. Too much noise is a big stressor for me when I have a lot on my to do list. I quickly EXIT noise-polluted areas on hectic days to regain my balance and peace.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Darlene, I’m with you — very noise-sensitive. It may come with being sensitive, introverted, writer types. We need quiet to think.

  24. Yep. The world is definitely noisier! I don’t stay in a store where the music is loud. Shopkeepers should take note. I stay longer when the music is soothing. And I HATE a restaurant where we can’t visit comfortably.
    Hate! Hate! Hate!
    Calm now . . .

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, I’m the same way, very noise-sensitive. I’m hoping “quiet” will be a new trend. Fingers crossed.

  25. I’m a big fan of quiet – our library has children’s day each week – I avoid it like the plague – libraries are supposed to be quiet havens! I work for a surgeon and we have the only waiting room in the group without a TV – I don’t miss it at all. There is so much background noise now that you really do notice those precious moments of quiet – glad you got some at the supermarket 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Leanne, Funny you say that about the library. The other day I went to read in mine and ran smack-dab into toddler time! Too noisy, ended up leaving. Also, so nice to think there’s a waiting room on this planet without the squawk of a tv.

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