

Yes, there are worse problems in life. But I admit to envy when sitting on a pedicure perch in my local nail salon. The women around me are so relaxed and blasé. They talk on their phones. They laugh among themselves. Me? I’m on high alert. My tootsies are (to put it charitably)… sensitive. So why do I get pedicures? Well, because they’re pretty, of course. But there are several grueling challenges I must endure…

First, here’s what I love…

I love that initial immersion in warm, soapy water. I love the feel of those water jets between my toes and on my instep. It tickles.

I love the clean, soapy smell of the salon. I love reading dumb, celebrity magazines, and watching cooking shows on flat screen TV’s.

I love all this stuff. But then come the challenges…

The Cuticle Part – I try and stay calm as the attendant picks up that metal instrument with flat tip and starts pushing back the skin around my nails. Easy, right? After all, everything’s been softened by water.

But for me, this is dicey. Some attendants are slow and deliberate. Others act like they’re shoveling coal in the engine room of the sinking Titanic. They’re too rough and fast. My foot does an involuntary jump. The attendant looks up, surprised. “Does that hurt?” she asks in genuine puzzlement.

Which immediately makes me worry– do other women do this without flinching? Is flinching strange and different? Must I always be the wuss of any group?

The Callous Part – For me, this is where the rubber meets the road. Or should I say, the scratchy, gritty paper meets my tender, ticklish flesh. I’m amazed at women who have this done while calmly reading magazines.

This is where the attendant picks up that little plastic thing (it looks like a brush without bristles) and adheres a coarse pad. They start at the heel and work their way up to the fleshy pads of the top foot. They scrape and scrape… and scrape. And that’s when I die a little.

How can something make me want to laugh and scream at the same time?

I try and stay cool. But I always have that reflexive flinch and “slight” body twist (okay, I’m almost off the chair). The attendant gives another surprised look. “Tickle?” she asks.

I give another embarrassed nod.

The Foot Massage part – I know people who love these. And again, with the right technician, they feel great. A light touch produces an ahhhh…sensation. But there are others who put too much pressure on the instep and keep repeating the same movement over and over. Again, as I try not to cringe, I doubt myself. Is something wrong with me? Do people actually like this?

I find myself biting my lip. Should I say something? But it doesn’t matter, because once again, there comes that involuntary jump.The attendant nods knowingly and stops.

Good God, these people are going to call a stretcher for me.

Finally, the hard part is over. Tissue is snaked between my tootsies. Clear polish goes on and then reddish-pink (my favorite toenail color) and…voila!

The job is beautiful and professional. And that’s when I see why I get pedicures. I actually have something about me that’s perfect… my toes. My hair may be a mess. I haven’t worn lipstick in days, but damn, my feet are rocking it!

But wait, one more test of courage remains…

The Shoulder Massage part – I’m brought to the dryer and stick my feet underneath that warm, green light.

“You want massage?” asks the woman kindly. I nod yes, hoping this will be a good one. But again, this depends on the technician. Some are like professional masseuses, calm and soothing. Others make me feel like I’m getting a shake-down on Riker’s Island, jabbing and pummeling. This one is in between — too bad to be good, but too good to be bad.

And that’s how this whole ritual is for me. I can never decide if I love pedicures or hate them.

Finally, I’m done. And the last thing I do (despite the torture) is tip well. Even with varying degrees of proficiency, these women work hard.

I walk out of that salon feeling a strange sense of pride. I earned this pedicure in my own wimpy way—despite skittish cuticles, ticklish heels, and overly sensitive insteps. I did it.

And the best part is looking down and seeing my one perfect body part… reddish-pink toenails.


How do you feel about pedicures? Comments are always welcome and if you’d like, please share. Thank you!

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    • Felicity

    • 4 months ago

    Reading this made my feet tickle omg

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 months ago

      Felicity, Laughing. Glad I’m not the only one.

    • Andrea jackson

    • 4 months ago

    During pedicures my feet are so ticklish I literally flinch and curl my toes, do you do this too? I sometimes wish I wasn’t ticklish.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 months ago

      Andrea, Yes, I will flinch. That’s why I don’t let the attendant use that metal “pointy thing” near my cuticles. Too scary.

    • Amaya wilson

    • 4 months ago

    Pedicures are sooo ticklish!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 months ago

      Amaya, Yes! Still, to this day.

    • Rebecca Olkowski

    • 11 months ago

    I can relate to your post, although I haven’t had a professional pedicure in a long time. I don’t mind the pampering, but the last time I had a pedicure, I got a fungus, so I stopped going and now do my own – not very well. I get antsy having my hair dyed. I want to be doing something constructive rather than waiting 40 minutes for the dye to take.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Rebecca, One of these days, I’ll find the courage to let my hair grow out naturally. I also hate the process of dyeing our hair.

    • Carol A Cassara

    • 11 months ago

    I know some love them, but not me!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Carol, I understand.

    • Beth Havey

    • 11 months ago

    I had pedicures regularly while living in California, but have yet to have one here in Chicago. I find them very relaxing, as well as going to the salon for a cut and color. But Laurie, you are allowed your individual reaction to things. It’s the same with physical therapy and I have had my share. Sometimes you feel wonderful, other times…is this person trying to increase my pain. Hugs, Beth

      • Laurie Stone

      • 11 months ago

      Beth, Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I guess we all must accept who we are. Hope your PT continues to feel good.

  1. I’ve had a couple of overly aggressive sessions when it comes to the callous and cuticle moment. I haven’t had a pedicure since the last one.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Pennie, Yes, they can be tests of courage and endurance.

  2. Working up the courage…
    I’m having a harder and harder time trimming my own toenails. This is definitely the solution.
    If I can just get myself in there!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Diane, Try it once. If you don’t like it, back to your own home salon!

    • Courtney

    • 4 years ago

    So I am currently getting a pedicure while I write this and my thought was how much I hate when I get that under the foot scrub because it’s painful and pleasant at the same time! I have very hard time keeping still but I love the massage aspect. I do tip on how meticulous the technicians are, I don’t want to shell out money for a sub par job but if they are detail oriented and respect the time I pay for I tip generously.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Courtney, Glad I’m not the only one who goes crazy over that under the foot scrub. I find using foot cream helps between pedicures. The skin isn’t so dry and I’m able to withstand it better.

  3. I haven’t had a pedicure (or a manicure) in over a year. This post is making me want to go take care of my feet. I bought some pretty polish and am waiting until June to get my pedi. So excited. My toes are an embarrassment.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Judy, Go for it!

  4. I wish I liked them. But no.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Carol, I understand, believe me.

  5. love this and it makes me want to go get a foot rub! though i don’t prefer the scents of the products and the chemical scents of the acrylic/gel nails…makes me sick- i finally found place that used non-toxic products and they just shut down 🙁

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Tobi, It’s so hard knowing what to do in these times. My nail parlor opened but one customer at a time. It’s surreal. Sorry about your place closing.

  6. Go for the foot massage. Stay for the shoulder rub.
    Actually, if it was me, I go ONLY for the foot massage and shoulder rub. Sigh.

    Squeamish in Canada

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, Good advice! Love the massages, as long as they’re gentle.

  7. Your love/hate relationship with pedicures takes some of the fun out of them, I hope you find a way to let go and just enjoy. I have a love/love relationship with them, just don’t get around to it often enough.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Karen, It’s hard not being able to relax, wish I could, but those metal instruments scare me. Still, love the outcome. Go figure.

  8. I have never wanted nor had a pedicure and your post illuminates why, for me. Yikes, you pay for these experiences? Well, the same goes for me and manicures. I do keep my nails pretty with nail polish I apply. To each her own, you sound happy with the results.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Terra, Yes, there are times I’ve also wondered why I go through this. I guess having nice toes is worth it, kind of. As you said, to each her own.

    • Mandy

    • 5 years ago

    Love a pedicure I dl have ticklish feet n my beautician knows this. It is also comforting she has a massage chair does your back neck n yes butt.it is worth the tickle if she knows this while the massage is on my seat it is amazing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Mandy, By now, the staff at my salon know I’m the “crazy lady” with the very ticklish, sensitive feet. They always keep that in mind, which I appreciate.

  9. I LIVE for all the parts of the pedicure you don’t like. I am one of those women who reads a trashy magazine while getting a pedicure. When she goes in for the massage I stop reading and close my eyes. I never want that part to end! I usually for over an extra $12 for a 10 minutes massage (if it’s one of my two favorite technicians) and tip really well.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Lauren, I wish I could relax into it more. I envy women who do!

  10. Now I want a shoulder rub…

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, Yes, that does sound good…

  11. I have to admit that I feel a little sad that you don’t love pedicures, which to me are partly about the relaxation I get from it. But now I’m feeling like I’m missing out, I’ve never been offered a shoulder rub.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Karen, I feel sad too that I can’t relax. Its hard being neurotic. Shoulder rubs are nice…when they’re gentle.

  12. So, I have to tell you that Husby went for a pedicure at the spa where we were staying. (It came free with the room!) He says it was one of the most relaxing, pleasurable (his word) experiences of his life. He recommends it to all the men he talks to. Now here is where I tell you that he has pretty tough feet.
    I guess that’s the answer. Get tougher feet! 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, I think having tough feet helps a lot. When the attendant picks up those metal instruments to pick at the cuticles, I die a little.

  13. I’ve only had a pedicure a few times and I always feel guilty about it. While the results are always nice, the process makes me uneasy. I talk to my hairdresser when she is doing my hair but nobody talks to the person doing their pedicures. So I just avoid them. LOL

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Nicole, Interesting perspective. I find them uncomfortable, but love the end result. Always the conflict!

  14. Call me crazy but pedicures are seriously just not my thing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Carol, I get both sides of the coin — those who hate them and those who love them. I always teeter in the middle.

  15. I love every minute of a pedicure, and I’m probably one of those women looking all relaxed. We all have our oddities that make us who we are!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Ellen, So jealous. Yes, you’re one of the women I watch in envy while sitting there.

    • Drew

    • 7 years ago

    Hey Laurie, keep doing what you’re doing 🙂 you very simply have super cute feet and you definitely need to forgo the torture and get them done. Coming from a guy that notices! Terrific article, well written. Made me smile

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Drew, Thanks so much! Very fun coming from a guy.

        • Drew

        • 7 years ago

        Haha, it just caught my eye. Made me chuckle. I see the same struggle with my wife when I take her for those LOL have a great day and keep doing what you’re doing 🙂

          • Laurie Stone

          • 7 years ago

          Drew, Thank you!

  16. If I had beautiful feet, I’d show them off with a spiffy pedicure… but two bunion surgeries later, and a newly minted hammer toe (thank you reflexology), and this girl goes sans color! No need to draw attention to my poor pedis. Beautiful feel Laurie!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Emily, Thank you! I’m sorry about your bunions and hammer toe. I seem to be getting wider feet as I get older. Not ready to give up that reddish pink polish just yet, though.

  17. That’s me! I feel about pedicures like you do, Laurie, except I don’t get them from professionals. I do them myself. I’m a tough woman, but I can’t handle pedicures and foot massages. Pure torture!! Brenda

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Brenda, Glad I’m not the only one. I know lots of women who do their own toes. Might give it a try…

  18. I’ve had one pedicure. It was amazing! Now I’m afraid to go back for fear the next one won’t be. Sigh.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, They’re alway dicey for me, but I keep going back. Try another one, especially if you loved the first.

  19. Made me laugh Laurie! I hate pedicures and manicures. I will polish my own. I know my tootsies or fingers don’t look as good as when professionally done but I do not find it relaxing!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Haralee, I bet your toes and fingers look just as good!

  20. Well, I have to admit that I’ve had only 1 pedicure in all of my years, and it was too long ago to remember. I rub, scrape, trim and polish my own. But I loved reading about your experience! I love your writing style and sense of humor.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Candi, Thanks for your kind words.

  21. When I get pedicures, I half-expect to see the salon tech emerge from the back wearing a HAZMAT suit and lugging a circular saw. My feet are, well, special. Tough nails, odd shaped toes, wide and flat . . . I can only imagine what they’re saying about me right in front of my face when they giggle to one another and slyly look up at me. Oh well.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Valerie, I always wonder what they’re saying. With me, its probably what a wuss I am.

  22. So now I’m wondering if you’re an HSP–have you read the book, “The Highly Sensitive Person?”

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Kristine, Yes and yes. I’m definitely an HSP, in every way. I never related that to pedicures, but it makes total sense!

  23. I have such dry skin on my feet that I need regular pedicures. You describe them well – the agony and the ecstasy!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Corinne, Perfect way to put it!

    • Colette

    • 8 years ago

    Once again, so fun to read this wonderfully truthful and amusing piece by Laurie! I love pedicures and even treat myself to them when I have a pile of work to get through as doing the work while the technician caters to my feet makes work seem so much more enjoyable. With that said, I squirm off my chair when they use the pumous stone and I am not a fan of pushing the cuticles back.. I enjoy the other toe prep and ask for a light massage which I thouroughly enjoy!
    thanks for sharing ! Your writing makes me smile! 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Colette! So good to hear from you. I’m glad I’m not the only squeamish one out there. Instead of work, however, you must read dumb celebrity magazines. You’re too diligent!

  24. I’ve had one professional pedicure and that was enough… for all the reasons you stated. No more! A girlfriend of mine always has the best looking toes/polish. Makes me want to try, again, but no… I’ve also had less than five professional fingernail manicures as well. Went to a famous salon where the owner does my color, I get my haircut and my makeup artist friend works. It was the worst polish job of my life. I do a much better job!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Brenda, Sounds like you have the best of all worlds. I’d stick with that!

  25. I used to have my feet done but then had some problems with my toe nails and started painting them myself. My feet have cleared up and I’d love to have them done again. My feet are sensitive so I would probably forego the callus treatment.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Rebecca, Its a miracle I get pedicures at all, but I love the end result. Its a good idea to do your own. You have control. Still, there’s something so luxurious (albeit torturous) about the professional pedicure. For some reason, I find it hard to resist.

  26. I love pedicures, but I was late coming to them. I had manicures for years before some nail technician convinced me to do a pedicure. I’ve never looked back. Your pedicure experience sounds like my husband’s though. He’s a chef and on his feet all the time, so I treat him. You can watch him almost slide out of his chair once they start working on the calluses because his feet are so ticklish too.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Jennifer, I’m glad I’m not the only ticklish-callous person! Once in a while, I see a brave man among the women. Good for him!

  27. Yes, and I spend a lot of the time wondering how well they are cleaning everything. But I love the end result and it’s very hard for me to do mine myself these days, just not that flexible any more.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Stephanie, Although the process is icky, I also love the end result. I’m the same way. Its easier than doing it myself.

  28. Mmmm…it’s all about the foot massage for me! But I’m with you on the cuticle part and the human foot rasp. Yikes!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Diane, If the foot massage is done right, I can handle it. But a bad one… (to quote you)… yikes!

  29. I have a confession to make Laurie – I’ve never had a professional pedicure in my life. I’ve had my fingernails done over the years but never my toes. I think it’s because I do a reasonably good job of painting my toes and I’ve never plucked up the courage to sit in one of those chairs while some poor woman attends to my feet. Maybe I’ll put it on my bucket list??

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Leanne, That’s why I tip well. I also get a little funny about having someone tend to my feet. Having said that, as you can probably tell, its a dicey situation for me, but I do it anyway.

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