

We’ve all had times we feel ordinary, even invisible. No one notices. But we’re wrong. Someone is watching all the time. They love us. They’re obsessed with us. They’ve gathered more data than Google, Facebook, or Amazon combined. Have you guessed who?

Of course…it’s your dog. Your pooch notices everything about you, even quirks you hadn’t noticed about yourself. Here are a few surprising things my pets have picked up on me…

Habits – I used to wonder how my dog Libby knew in the morning when I’m leaving my bedroom for just another cup of tea (and coming right back) or starting my day and leaving for hours. I wondered how she knew the difference between an ordinary run to the kitchen (for which she stayed put) or leaping up and following.

Then I got it.

When I leave for the day, I carry my tote bag full of “necessities” (journal, notebook, calendar, and 8,000 pens). That’s her signal that the “real” day has begun. Mom’s going to the kitchen to sit behind her computer and not coming back. Until then, I could leave the bedroom 10 times and she won’t care, but if that bag’s being carried — its show time. She follows.

Clothing– I used to wonder how my old dog Simon knew it was walk time (which changed, depending on the day). I could enter the kitchen dozens of times. Yet, at walk time, he’d be all smiles and tail wags. He even stood near the drawer where I kept his leash. How did he know?

Then it dawned on me. I had changed into sneakers. My outfit could be exactly the same, but if I wore my black Sketchers…game on. Sneakers meant walking and walking meant fun. Simon paid attention. No wonder he was smiling.

Sounds — Our old dog Ren even knew the unique noise of my car. To human ears, there was nothing unusual in my old Chevy. It wasn’t like my muffler was hanging off. But to Ren’s ears there was something special.

According to reports, he’d sleep in our living room for hours while I was gone. Cars would drive by all day. But then Ren would jump up, look out the window, and wag his tail. Sure enough, moments later my car appeared, turning into our driveway. Did my brakes squeak? Did the transmission have a funny whine? Only Ren knew and he never told.

Routine – Lately, my dog Libby’s been doing something funny. Sometimes at night, if I’m running late on household chores, she’ll come and bark at me. It’s a different kind of bark, almost “talking” like she’s trying to form words. I feel like I’m getting a lecture. I finally figured out what she wants.

She wants me to go clean the kitchen. Then she can perform her most favorite task in the world — licking the used silverware and plates in our open dishwasher.

Like all dogs, Libby’s got the household schedule down. She even feels she must keep me on track throughout the day… especially if dirty dishes are involved.

Destinations (near and far) –If I leave through the front or back doors, Libby hardly pays attention. But if I leave by the door near Randy’s office, that means I’m going into the garage. And that means I’ll be gone a long time…maybe hours! Libby stands there, looking sad.

According to Randy, she’ll then run to his office, climb on his daybed by the window and watch as I back out the garage. She’ll sometimes wait hours till she sees the car pull back in.

And God forbid, if I’m leaving and pulling those strange boxes on wheels (known as suitcases) the whimpering starts for real. Libby knows this means I’ll be gone a long time.

We’d probably faint if we knew what our pets pick up on. Smell, touch, and facial expression give us away in thousands of ways. Maybe they can’t speak our language, but they understand.

Simon and Ren are long gone, and maybe that’s part of the sorrow when these animals pass. It’s hard going from being the constant, daily light of someone’s life to, well… not being the constant, daily light of someone’s life. With canines, we get used to being adored, loved and yes…really seen.

That’s why I laugh when I hear the term “dumb animal.” You think your pet doesn’t know everything about you? Trust me.

Google, Facebook, and Amazon would be jealous.



Has your pet astounded you with their insight? Comments are always welcome and if you like, please share.

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  1. We lost our dog several months ago, but like your dog, she knew our routine. She knew when we were going to bed or out for a long time. We miss having her in our lives.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Janeane, They do add so much. I’m sorry about the loss of your wonderful dog.

  2. Perhaps it’s good that their ‘speaking’ is limited to barks and whines. Oh, the stories they could tell! 😉

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Diane, Laughing. I can’t imagine!

  3. My cats know me like a book… and don’t let me try to sleep thirty minutes later because I had a late night. Let’s just say… they think I’m a trampoline. Very good article!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Jane, Thank you. My dog Libby is the same way in the morning, a canine alarm clock!

  4. Not only our pets know us (we have dogs, birds, and a cat), but the wild ones do too. The birds in the trees know me. They are watching and know when to light closer (she’s going for seed to fill the feeder!). The fish in the pond, when we approach with a fist full of food… they know.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 3 years ago

      Pennie, I totally agree. I walk my dog everyday and I swear, the birds are quiet. They know we’re not a threat and relax as we stroll by. It’s amazing. The fish swim away when they see us, but maybe if we were associated with food, they’d change their minds!

  5. My dog seems to know the time. If I don’t come out to feed him by 7:30, he pushes the door open and barrels into the bedroom. Then at 5 o’clock, he stands directly in front of me and says “harrumph” like I’m not serving him fast enough. Dogs are so funny!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Tracy, When it comes to mealtimes, dogs can be uncannily accurate!

  6. My dogs know exactly what I’m up to. It’s like they have radar. And thank goodness, because I love having them around.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Rebecca, They watch us so carefully, in ways we’re not aware. Amazing animals.

  7. They miss nothing. NOTHING!!! 😉

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Laughing. So true!

  8. Dogs learn from repetition so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that they pick up on things we do that are consistent. What actually is surprising is how oblivious we are at the little rituals we follow without really knowing we’re doing it.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Karen, So true. We give ourselves away so many times without realizing it.

  9. They know us and still they love us. That is truly amazing! 🙂 Our Pandy gets quite nervous when she sees the red Santa/Mrs. Santa gear being donned. She paces back and forth between the two of us, looking miserable. She knows that, wherever we’re going, she’s not coming…

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, Dogs are so smart, they notice everything, including Santa outfits!

  10. Dogs are SO smart and intuitive, not to mention empathic. And the unconditional love is like no other. ♥ Thanks for sharing your personal anecdotes.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      My pleasure, Debbie! Thanks for reading.

  11. I’ve taken several workshops on animal communication and behavior. This is such an interesting topic and I really enjoyed your perspective!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Sandra, Thanks so much. I’m always astounded on how much animals pick up on our everyday cues. They’re so smart.

  12. I so agree with you, Laurie. We tend to think animals are dumb, but when we stop to really think about how amazing — and intuitive — they are, we would strike the “D” word from our vocabulary when it comes to them!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Valerie, If animals could talk, I think we’d be shocked at what they said. They see so much more than we realize.

  13. So true. The look I get when the suitcases come out is the worst!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Kimberly, I feel so guilty. Yet there’s no way around it.

  14. What amazed me was my dogs’ ability to sense when I needed a hug. Uncanny!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, Animals are amazingly empathetic.

  15. My dogs go insane if I open up a suitcase. They know. One of them wears a wrist watch, I swear. He knows exactly when it’s time to go out.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Rebecca, Both my cat and dog start “sulking” when I pull out the suitcases. They both get very pensive and quiet. It makes me feel guilty. Sounds like you have the same situation.

  16. What a sweet, sweet post. And what terrific powers of observation YOU have, Laurie!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Roxanne, I find myself as fascinated by Libby is as she is with me! (Thank God for dogs to make us feel so special).

  17. Dogs are so intuitive. After my accident, I had fallen out of bed one night when I was home alone. I was unable to get up on my own. My Jack, (he’s gone now) put his body in such a way that I could use my upper body back to the bed and drag myself up. It was a moment I will never forget. I was ugly crying and he just took over and did what needed to be done. He never left my side. It was unbelievable.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Rena, Wow. I think animals are so much more spiritually aware than we realize. Sounds like Jack was an amazing dog. I hope you’re feeling stronger now.

  18. My grand dog does all of cute!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      What would we do without our animals?

  19. Libby barking at you to make you do the dishes is hysterical! Of course, I read this blog post and my mind went to Michael Jackson’s “Somebody’s Watching Me” song. “I always feel like somebody’s watching me. And I get no privacy….”

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Jennifer, Laughing… I love that song! Yes, welcome to my world and it sounds like yours too.

  20. So true. My sister has a dog and tells me stories like this all the time. Dogs are very perceptive animals.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Shari, Their senses take in so much more than we realize. Its amazing.

  21. Oh, they’re wonderful, aren’t they? Unconditional love. At its best.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Kristine, What would we do without our animals? Its a relationship unlike any other.

  22. My dog Harper is the same way! He knows by our shoes, what time we get up, even where we sit what day it is and what’s on the agenda–walk or no walk!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Lee, So funny. I swear, dogs would make great detectives. They notice everything.

  23. Dogs are so smart. One of mine wrote his own book and now he’s working on the 2nd. I am channeling him and he’s pretty good! It’s true how they all have their own personalities and their own ‘relationship’ with us.
    Great post!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Barbara, Wish my dog Libby was a writer! Then again, I never asked. Will have to look into that…

    • Cindy Graf

    • 8 years ago

    I believe our dogs are very in tune to our emotions as well as our habits. Without a word they can convey love, compassion , devotion and concern. They are amazing creatures and I can’t imagine my life without them.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Cindy, I can’t imagine life without them either. They’re born empaths. They sense mood and emotion.

  24. This may be the best piece I’ve read about the ways our dogs know and understand us. You have the same keen insights as your dogs! Aren’t they the best? I’m covered in dog hair right now from snuggling with my Annie. xoxox, Brenda

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Brenda, I’m always covered in dog hair! I guess that’s the price for such non-stop adoration. Thanks for your kind words.

  25. And thank goodness they are not telling on us!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Good point, Shelley! God knows, they have enough stuff.

  26. Our pets know all of our habits, our secrets, our joys and sorrows. They are the silent witnesses to our lives!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Sharon, What a beautiful way to put it. So true.

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