
Over the past five years, I’ve had people ask a lot about blogging. Apparently there are tons of writers out there, hesitating over hitting that “publish” button. It got me thinking about why I do this strange thing. Here’s what I love about blogging and here’s the one awful, cringe-inducing thing I hate…

First, things I love…

The Readers – There’s nothing better than bonding over dogs, husbands, kids, empty nests, holidays, Edgar Winter, books, being an introvert, and “Real Housewives of Orange County.”

I love how once in a while a reader will say they really liked a post. And it usually comes at the perfect moment. So many times (more than I care to admit) I came close to taking a sledgehammer to my computer. Then one person said something kind… and that kept me going.

The math is simple. Without readers, there’s no blog. I appreciate each and every one.

Fellow Bloggers—Some of the best writers I know are bloggers. They teach me. They awe me. They make me laugh. They make me cry. From the mega-bloggers with millions of readers to the “charming boutique” blogs, they never fail to inspire me.

They ‘ve also taught a valuable lesson — “good and done” is better than “almost-perfect, but never done.” In other words, do your best and let it go.

Practice – I look at my earlier posts and cringe. In fact, I’ve deleted many of them. The world is better off. And although the Pulitzer-prize committee isn’t knocking on my door, it’s nice seeing how the writing has evolved over time – like any art if practiced.

(And at this point, I must give props to my talented editor/husband Randy who keeps me from making a complete fool out of myself… well, every week. Thank you, honey).

Comments – Bloggers live for comments, even the occasional snarky one. I’m no exception. It means people are reading. They’re engaged. What’s even cooler is some of these comments come from around the globe – China, India, Australia, and the Philippines.

The more I read them, the more I see how we’re more alike than different. We all have opinions, hopes and fears. We all worry about our kids, health, marriage, dieting, and whether we’ll be able to binge-watch “The Crown” next season.  I love that.

That One Big Popular Post – Occasionally — like lightning in a bottle — something magical happens. A post is read by tons of people. Traffic goes through the roof. And like the fisherman who hooks a big one and keeps going back to the lake, this feeling fuels many bloggers to keep writing. For a day or two, you’re convinced you’re the next Ann Patchett or Charles Dickens.

Strangely, any time I write about my pets, the traffic goes crazy. It makes up for those fun times I hit “publish” and hear crickets chirping.

Okay, now here’s the thing that sucks…

You make your mistakes in public – And when you do, you’re convinced the earth has stopped spinning. Everyone on the planet is doubled-over, laughing. This usually happens in the beginning, before you get that tough hide.

And what creates that tough hide? When you realize most people aren’t paying that much attention. Alas…it’s true. They’re into their own lives and problems and issues. Hardly anyone noticed your epic fail, and if they did, it lasted five seconds before they went back to cooking dinner.

But here’s the good news… you learn.

At the beginning of “Musings, Rants & Scribbles,” I took the rant part too seriously. I sometimes let myself get negative and always regretted it. That’s when I realized I wanted to be a force for good in the world, not just another complainer.

Now I keep rants infrequent and light (Okay, except for my last post about annoying holidays songs.)

I guess the take-away is to encourage anyone with the smallest, faintest inkling to give blogging a whirl. Like any art, you never know until you hit that keyboard, pick up that guitar, or dabble on that easel. You never know until you try.

And here’s one more cool thing — like any creative endeavor, its nice to know you’ve left even the teeniest, tiniest mark on this insane world.

It’s also nice to know that out there somewhere…another big fish is swimming around, just waiting to be caught.


Do you blog? Thinking of starting one? Comments are always welcome. And if you like, please share.

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  1. I have been blogging for over 15 years and while it has changed so much, I still love it. If anything it has taught me to be less judgemental, kinder and more understanding. The good outweighs the bad. And I get to make new friends like you!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Lauren, Meeting blogging friends is one of the greatest benefits. So glad we met!

  2. I always say that I couldn’t help blogging. I have always written daily and as a personal essayist, this was irresisitible. But I am writing a one woman show now and it’s taking away from my blogging time. It never used to be a chore to blog but it’s starting to become one becuase it has so much current competition!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Carol, I know the feeling. I’m working on a memoir about my pets and also a novel, so once a week blogging is all I can handle. Have always admired how prolific you are.

  3. Still waiting on that one BIG post. Sigh.
    Other than that, ALL of the above! 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Diane, You have a fantastic post every day! Can’t believe how prolific you are.

  4. Such a great post. I feel similar about blogging. It’s a lot of work, but so rewarding as you say, with the great community of bloggers who are so giving and caring, and the wonderful readers who become your virtual friends. You hit every button with your 5 Awesome Things About Blogging.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Judy, Thank you.

  5. I needed this today. I needed to know that other awesome bloggers suffer the same doubts as I do and blog for the same reasons! Thank you for this today, Laurie!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      My pleasure, Diane.

    • Barbara

    • 6 years ago

    Laurie, really loved this post! I can certainly relate to the good and angst-producing moments when it comes to writing. And having a supportive husband makes a world of difference too.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Barbara, Sounds like we live in the same blogging universe!

  6. I always enjoy your blogs Laurie. I like your style, your topics, your humor and your sensitivity!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Haralee, Thank you and right back at ‘ya!!

  7. I love this. I just started out blogging and I have made some mistakes but you have to learn from them!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Madison, As we’ve all learned, you have to just keep going, doing your best. Like everything… practice, practice, practice.

  8. Laurie, yes, sometimes we do make a tiny mark in the world. You write good posts. They don’t disappoint. Thanks for reading mine, Beth

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Beth, I love your posts. Thank you for your kind words.

  9. Yep. All of the above. Perfectly said!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, Thanks so much!

  10. I followed you on Facebook for this awesome post.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Rahul, Thank you so much!

  11. I agree with all your thoughts. I love blogging, especially the interaction with other people.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Shari, Meeting fellow bloggers (like yourself) has been the most rewarding part of blogging, no contest.

  12. I told a friend last year that writing is like putting your panty hose in public – you’re bound to have folks see some things that you’d rather they didn’t. I hate that the panty hose reference dates me though.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Shelley, I completely get the panty hose reference! I agree, some posts are easier to share than others. But in the end, I regret very little. I’m sure many bloggers agree.

  13. There are so many times when I have wanted to delete the blog and live free of what can sometimes feel like obligation, but then a reader leaves a heartwarming comment, or a post gets lots of views, and I stay with it. A great post with many truths, Laurie! Here’s to another year of writing!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Yes, Terri. Here’s to another great year. I think all bloggers have had that “dark night of the soul” moment. I’m glad we’ve kept going.

  14. All of the same reasons I keep coming back year after year. Glad you do too!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Rena, Thank you. I have to say, I’ve been sometimes tempted over the last 5 years to walk away, but never seriously. There’s still that little thrill to hitting “publish.”

  15. Laurie, I totally agree with all of your points about blogging..the good and the bad and sometimes the ugly…but I still love it after almost(next month) 3 years…I can’t believe i have lasted this long. I too have cut back on my rants…even though my byline is Helpful Hints and Random Rants….i try to keep them funny …I love the friendships I have made and the support of the women bloggers in our Women of Midlife group…you included!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Renee, Back at you! I adore all my fellow bloggers, you included. They’ve made my life better and taught me so much. Mine’s been going on over 5 years. Pretty amazing, and like many writers have said, it changed my life.

  16. As a travel blogger, one of the unexpected pleasures of blogging has been finding a world of travel bloggers who are talented and mostly kind and generous when I’ve had questions — even tech questions that cause my Milennial sons to roll their eyes. I’ve also enjoyed the chance to meet some of them IRL all over the world.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Suzanne, Getting to know other bloggers has been the #1 thing I love about blogging. Yes, I love writing, but meeting these inspiring, dedicated, often funny people has been pure pleasure.

  17. You are so right about old work. My thing was word length and all my old wordy posts show me that writing gets better w writing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Susan, That’s probably one of the best things about blogging. Like any craft you do consistently, you see yourself getting better. I also find that other bloggers have been my greatest classroom.

  18. Yeah, all of this. Especially fellow bloggers. The scariest part is definitely making those public mistakes. Or even if not mistakes, the knowledge that once your words are out there…there’s no taking them back. Great post.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Thank you, Lisa. I agree, sometimes its not mistakes that intimidate, but sharing stuff you know you can’t take back. I try and walk the line between being honest, but not telling all.

  19. I have also deleted many posts – after 6 years, there were some realllllly bad ones! You know how much I enjoy what you write – you have a wonderful style and it feels like I’m talking to a friend.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Sharon, Right back at you! I admire both your talent and your drive. You’ve always been a great inspiration to me.

  20. Who knew that pets command so much attention? I have a dog, but he hasn’t made an appearance on my blog–yet. Keep on typing away.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Karen, Its uncanny. I write about my dog Libby and traffic goes through the roof! You’ll have to experiment and write about your dog. See what happens.

  21. I constantly bounce between “Can I really share this” VS “Am I holding back too much?” You’re so right about mistakes (or the fear of) in public. But I’m slowly and surely getting over it. Heh we all make mistakes, such is life!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Amber, My skin is so much thicker than when I began 5 years ago. I also have that caution over sharing too much or sharing too little. It can be a hard balance.

  22. I’m just coming off my first year of blogging. I feel your pain about your first posts. I’m loving the topics on your blog! Keep up the good work!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Beth, Thanks so much! You also keep up the good work. Survived your first year? Celebrate.

  23. Spot on! Lovely to read some honest statements of a fellow blogger and how good to read that we apparently all deal with the same issues and experiences. Funny, how some posts really shoot for the stars, although you didn’t expect much of it yourself, and some posts you write and think, ‘wow’ that is THE bomb, get just nowhere. The best part of the whole blogging ‘business’ to me is meeting all you amazing people from all over the world. I should have started blogging 10 years earlier, I think 🙂 Thanks for this entertaining post, I really enjoyed reading.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Klaudia, My only regret with blogging is it wasn’t around 20 years ago when I was raising kids. I would’ve loved to be a Mommy blogger. And I agree, meeting fellow bloggers (some from across the planet) is a huge thrill.

  24. Was there life before blogging? 😜
    I agree with all your points. I love reading and sharing blogs of all niches; I love my blogging friends. I love blogging. Blogging takes up a lot of time but I’m learning to balance my blog time with my work, family & real life time.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Linda, Its true, blogging does take up a lot of time… it seems more and more. But I love it.

  25. That just about sums up what I love (and dread) about blogging too. I also recommend it highly, I can not now magine what I did with my days before I started blogging.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Margaretha, I also can’t remember life b.b. — before blogging. It changed me in ways I never could’ve predicted, most for the better. (I still can get traffic crazy, but that’s lessened over time).

  26. Blogging has the best community! We will support even if you rant!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Christina, I love the blogging community. Such a bunch of fun, smart people.

  27. It is powerful, what we do for one another out here. Blogging can be transformative.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Blogging is absolutely transformative! In ways I could never have predicted. Well put.

  28. You had me at the readers:). Connections all over the world with some really great people. Humanity running rampant in the very best way . . .

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Kristine, Blogging has many wonderful things, but I agree, having readers from all over the world is awesome. It shows what we’re capable of and how much more alike we are than different.

  29. There is no bond, like the bond of bloggers. It’s my safe haven. Love this post, yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      I agree, we bloggers share a special bond. I also maintain its a group of amazing, dedicated, talented writers.

  30. I couldn’t agree with you more and can totally relate on so many levels.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Thanks so much, Tanya!

  31. I love, relate and agree with everything on your list. Even the one bad thing.
    All the best to you in 2017, Laurie!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Nancy, Thanks so much! Us bloggers must stick together.

  32. I began my blogging journal for a couple of the things you mention here: first and foremost practice and readers. And yes, we love comments, that hit of dopamine when someone likes the post. But I also began blogging to get over the vulnerability I felt by putting myself out there. Thanks for this post.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Pennie, Vulnerability is the word, especially in the beginning. My hand still quivers a little over the “publish” button, but less and less these days. I really believe with blogging, like anything, practice is key.

  33. I agree with all of the above – especially loving other bloggers! The best online communities are ones made up by bloggers 😀

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Yes, Amber. Over the past few years, I’ve met some amazing people and writers in the blogging community. I think that’s my favorite part.

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