

Have you heard of the teacup list? Instead of the bucket list with its dramatic, “before-I-die” goals, we have the teacup list. Instead of feeling panicked you haven’t gone on that cross-country road trip or hiked Thailand or parachuted in the Gobi desert, you shrink all expectations. With this in mind, here in no particular order are the small (okay, very small) things I wish to do this summer…

Avoid the news as much as possible — I know, it’s hard. But there comes a point where we need to come up for air. I have to take a break from the daily litany of tragedy, sorrow, and horror. I need to concentrate on fleeting summer beauty—orange daylilies, white egrets, sailboats, a honeysuckle-scented breeze, fat, ripe tomatoes, and pink geraniums in the sun. Yes, I need things that make me happy instead of making me want to cry and throw things.

Get a tan by sitting outside ten minutes a day – I hear the gasps of sun worshippers now. Ten minutes? That’s it? You must understand, people. I’m an indoor person with white, pasty skin. Ten minutes in the morning will help me get that (for me) toasty look I need, without baking for hours on a beach.

Listen to the drone of insects – Believe it or not, when I was a kid that sound meant summer. And is it me or did summers seem slower back then? The hum of bumblebees around a rhododendron brings back blue freeze pops, “I Love Lucy” reruns, riding bikes to Woolworth’s, and playing hide and seek behind backyard trees. When I listen to that sound, it’s a reminder to slow down and enjoy life.

Eat cotton candy, a Chocolate Éclair popsicle and buttered popcorn – These each have specific instructions. The cotton candy should be eaten while walking around my town carnival. The Chocolate Éclair popsicle should be ideally purchased from an ice cream truck. And the popcorn should be munched on while seeing a summer blockbuster in a movie theater.

Listen to the following summer songs – “Hot Fun in the Summertime” by Sly and the Family Stone; “Grazing in the Grass” by Friends of Distinction or “Tighten Up” by Archie Bell and the Drells. These bring back walking barefoot on warm country roads in cut-off shorts and halter-tops. They bring back lying on beaches slathered in baby oil. They bring back sitting and laughing with friends at night on cool, summer lawns.

Watch fireflies – As kids, we ran around capturing these insects in jars. We’d pierce the top and fill them with grass and sticks. We put them next to our beds at night and watch them light up. And we’d let them go in the morning. The strange thing was they looked like ordinary insects by day. You’d never know they possessed such powers of illumination. Fireflies remind me there’s something magical about summer evenings. 

Eat lots of meals outside — If you live in New England, or anywhere with serious winters, you know the feeling. You gaze on your back porch in mid-February and sigh. Snow’s piled up. A freezing arctic wind blows the sad wind chimes. Summer seems an impossible dream. So when the weather’s warm, eating outside is a treat and celebration. It means sun and warmth and barbecued chicken and potato salad. It means watching hummingbirds flit around their feeder, sipping nectar. It means sitting and talking and listening to music. In the summer, our porch becomes the family room.

And as I write this, I realize that summers aren’t so much about creating new stuff, but recapturing old.  

Enjoying summer was easy as kids. Most of us did what we wanted. We didn’t need a list—teacup, bucket or otherwise. We didn’t care if we went to Thailand or rode off to California on Route 66. We were happy just to be alive and free for a few months.

And maybe that’s the key to summer. It’s all about simple pleasures—old songs, fireflies, eating outdoors, hummingbirds, potato salad, pink geraniums, and of course, ice cream trucks.

Maybe the perfect summer isn’t about adding things at all… but slowly taking them away.


What’s on your summer teacup list? I’d love to hear and if you like, please share.

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    • Meryl Baer

    • 10 months ago

    Love the teacup idea. Especially your first task: don’t listen to the news. I try not too, can’t afford to raise my blood pressure any higher than it already is.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 10 months ago

      Meryl, The news is getting increasingly perilous for everyone’s blood pressure.

    • Alana

    • 10 months ago

    For me, summer is sitting outside and listening to the birds, dreaming of the Good Humor bars of the distant past, and taking a road trip or two. Soaking every moment in because next week, the way time flies, the leaves will be falling and chill breezes will blow. We will also do something this summer that we haven’t done in 36 years. That should be interesting.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 10 months ago

      Alana, Yes, summers seem more precious as we grow older, don’t they?

    • Mel Studer

    • 10 months ago

    I LOVE this idea! I will create one of my own:)

      • Laurie Stone

      • 10 months ago

      Mel, You should. It’s fun.

  1. I love this, Laurie!
    Right now, my teacup list is very small indeed: Get through this week.
    We’re loading in today and the play comes off Thursday. Wish us leg-breakage!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Diane, I’d love to see it! How exciting and yes, break a leg!

  2. Ooh, I like this idea! i wonder why it hasn’t taken hold?

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Carol, Maybe we do it without realizing it!

  3. Trips to the beach. Yes. That’s my teacup list for the summer. More trips to the beach.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 2 years ago

      Jennifer, Truly can’t think of anything better.

  4. Ok, I have to add to the musical list. In the Summertime by Mungo Jerry and Summer Time by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince for anyone who likes some fun rap (and/or Will Smith.) I need to hear them both at the start of summer.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Jennifer, Forgot about Mungo Jerry! Also, just added Summertime to my playlist at home. I never knew the name, but always liked it.

  5. You are so cool, Laurie! What a great attitude! I admit I panic thinking I won’t see every country in the world unless I win the lottery but do enjoy basking in nature.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Rebecca, Thanks so much! Who knows, maybe you’ll see every country — if not many of them. Where there’s a will there’s a way.

  6. I’ve got a list like this and limiting news is on it.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Carol, I’m getting down to five minutes a day.

  7. YES! All of the above!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Can’t wait!

  8. What a fun summer teacup list! Ten minutes a day of tanning is probably about right – get some Vitamin D without overdoing it! And now I want a chocolate eclair popsicle!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Susan, Strange, I’ve been craving those lately!

  9. I love this! You are right, it’s more about recreating those old memories (fireflies). Due to Covid my teacup list is really basic. Like decorating my patio and planting an amazing garden.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Lauren, They sound like wonderful things to do! Creating beauty is the most enriching.

      1. Now that the pandemic is nearing it’s end I am rethinking my teacup and may make it a mug. 😉

          • Laurie Stone

          • 4 years ago

          Lauren, Laughing. Go for it!

  10. I’m with you.
    And Olaf…

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      So cute! Poor little snowman, just as well he uses his imagination.

  11. Fireflies. I do love them. I haven’t seen them in decades, since i’ve been on west coast.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Carol, Just saw some last night and felt like a kid! So magical.

  12. Just being able to get out of the house and walk somewhere that is pretty and inspiring is on my list these days. A walk in the park or a picnic in the yard with a friend. Anything besides sitting on my computer or having to wear a mask, which I do unless there’s no one nearby.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Rebecca, Yes, funny how the simple things are so nice now.

  13. A teacup list sounds about all that can be accomplished right now

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Jennifer, Yes, that’s my speed too.

  14. Don’t forget to listen to In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry! One of my favorites to ring in the season! And yes to cotton candy at a carnival. But my favorite cotton candy flavor is maple, more suited for the Big E or Durham Fair in the fall than in the summer sun.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Jennifer, Love that song! Forgot all about it. Never tried maple cotton candy. Sounds delicious.

  15. Summer! Anticipated for so long. Here for such a short time. And you’re absolutely right. It’s all about the simple things. About forgetting all about those pesky worries that beset us the other ten months of the year! Here’s to SUMMER!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Diane, Maybe its my getting older, but I find myself looking forward to these months more and more. They’re so precious.

  16. I miss fireflies. Maybe I’ll see some in my hometown this summer.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      They’re so fleeting, but so beautiful. When I see them, I know summer is here.

  17. I LOVE the idea of a teacup list! Not only that it’s more easily attainable than a bucket list, but that it involves tea – and tiny sips of delight.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Julie, I love the way you put that… tiny sips of delight. Isn’t that what life is about?

  18. Teacup lists! I haven’t heard that one, but I like it. Right now my short list is to get my courtyard finished so I can enjoy many of the things on your list. It’s been a long process, interrupted by two puppies who tore up every bit of green that was here when I moved in. Whew!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Brenda, A courtyard sounds wonderful, so restful and lovely. Puppies or no… onward!

    • Joy

    • 6 years ago

    ‘Shrinking all expectations’…I love this idea, Laurie! I so agree with the first one (limiting exposure to headlines or social media, in general). This ‘tea cup list’ is simply brilliant and though I know I may struggle to populate my list simply because I don’t like summer too much because of the bugs and the heat, I certainly think this is doable. Thanks for this cool idea!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Joy, Thanks! Yes, shrinking exposure to the news seems to be mandatory, and not just in summer!

    • Jae

    • 6 years ago

    Avoid the news is a good one!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Jae, Its probably #1… and not just in summer

  19. I like your list and I adore the concept of tea-cup list. I am not a fan of the bucket list! Let the warmer weather arrive consistently!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 6 years ago

      Haralee, Can’t wait for summer! Yes, I need things in small doses too.

  20. Yes we are so happy Laurie as this is a wonderful time to be in Italy. Warm enough to sit out and eat lunch, gardening is a pleasure and you can get the washing dry on the line outside! I so related to all on your list (apart from the cotton candy etc – I would substitute Italian ice cream). Owing to drought last year (Feb to Nov) and extreme heat we added something new to our teacup list for this year – air conditioning for a couple of rooms in the house for when the heat becomes unbearable! This is not a standard thing for Italy but after our living room reached 39C last year we decided action was needed!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Dorothy, I’m with you on the air-conditioning. As a spoiled American, that would top my list. That said, your life in Italy sounds beautiful.

  21. We’re hunkering down for Winter in Australia Laurie – it’s just starting to get into two layers of clothes weather and I’m planning on doing as little as possible – I just want to settle in with a blanket and keep away from anything that doesn’t involve warmth, comfort and kindness!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Leanne, That’s exactly the mode I’ve been the past few months. Now I’m ready for sun and flowers!

      1. Just read this again Laurie – and it still gave me feel good vibes (especially the fairy floss at the fair!)

          • Laurie Stone

          • 6 years ago

          Leanne, Love the saying “fairy floss!” So pretty.

        1. Fairy Floss? That’s what I need to call it going forward!

            • Laurie Stone

            • 6 years ago

            Love the term “fairy floss!” for cotton candy. I think Leanne from Australia mentioned that’s what they call it.

  22. So fun! My plan is to get all the gardens in shape so I can spend every spare moment on the deck reading or on the sailboat!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Laura, Sounds good to me! All the best…

  23. Love this, Laurie! Here in Maine, summer feels so short…that first day of being able to walk outside without my shoulders heading for my ears is delightful! I love summer mornings, starting the day with a walk outside, or sipping tea on the deck, listening to the birds before the day gets underway. And I can remember the sound of the Good Humor truck making the rounds in the neighborhood when I was a kid. And I LOVE the concept of a teacup list–it’s so achievable and encourages us to slow down and simply BE.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Thank you, Roxanne. I think the smaller the list the better. It feels so good to complete small, pleasurable things!

  24. This list is epic in its nostalgia and wonder. Unfortunately for us busy people it may be as hard to achieve as hiking in Thailand. I don’t watch the news much now so I’ve got that one nailed. I will definitely do my share of eating outside since you were writing about me when you referred to someone looking outside during the winter feeling deprived of fresh air. And I’m also an indoor person, but I’ll manage to get a few rays while I take walks and play outside with my grandsons. Maybe we’ll even manage to catch a few lightening bugs. Thanks for the reminder to slow down during this precious time of year.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Molly, Sounds like you’re covering most of the bases. You also have to sneak in a cotton candy or popsicle!

  25. I love this!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Linda, Thanks so much!

  26. Love the idea of a tea cup list! On mine: Disneyland trip with the family, celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary, and getting to the beach more regularly.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Love all those, Leah. I may put occasional jaunts to the beach on my list too this year.

  27. I love this list!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Thanks, Jennifer. Bring on summer!

  28. I love this Laurie and the whole concept of a ‘Teacup List’. You are right about it being so much easier when we are children to be happy with the simple things in life. I’m sharing this on my Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond FB page. Have a great day!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Sue, Thanks so much for sharing this. Glad you liked it.

  29. Your list has made me long for summer. I can almost smell the BBQ 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Diana, I’m with you! Bring it on…

  30. Simple pleasures are good. They’re also about all I can afford right now. I’d like to get out on my bicycle for one or two weekends.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Bikes are great. Haven’t been on one since I was a kid! Hey, maybe I should put that on my teacup list. Thanks!

  31. I never heard of the teacup list but I absolutely LOVE it! That’s so much better than a bucket list. And I adore your list. Excellent.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thanks so much, Cathy.

  32. Ooh! I love this:). I’d add “Into the Mystic” to that playlist. And eating esquites. And have already had a picnic. Your list is rock star–think I need to work on mine:).

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thanks so much Candace. We all have our little cherished memories. I think that’s what summer’s all about.

  33. I so love this. I too remember catching fireflies or lighting bugs as we called them. And to me the hum and buzz of the cicadas on a hot summer night is pure heaven. I have some new things to add to my summer teacup list. thanks for sharing these beautiful ideas.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Rosemond, Glad you liked it. Writing it I realized summer is all about simple things.

  34. Love this list! You brought me right back to some great fun summer memories. I remember running after the Good Humor truck to get a toasts almond ice cream bar!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Yum, the toasted almonds are my second favorite. Thanks so much for reading, Lori.

  35. This was delicious! I thoroughly enjoyed!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Shannon, thanks so much for reading.

  36. my summer tea cup is full of riding my bike. no matter how hot it is outside,–and sometimes you hacve to get up early or you’ll faint in the noon time heat– you make your own breeze and feel so free and health-ful and great to be alive..

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Sounds like a perfect way to spend summer, doing what you love. Thanks for reading.

  37. I absolutely love this post and this idea! And I think maybe you were my secret companion through childhood because you have pretty much nailed my treasured memories of those summers. Lightning bugs (as we called them in Pennsylvania) in empty Skippy jars with grass on the bottom and ice-picked holes in the lids. I can’t believe you did that too! I feel more relaxed just having read your list!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thanks so much, Lee. Yes, just reading your posts I can see we would’ve made good childhood buddies!

  38. I love this, Laurie. You’ll see on my blog several posts about thinking small, and how big the small things really are. Plus, I’m down with anything involving tea, teacups, teapots, etc.! Great insight about recapturing the old, too. I think that’s true, and I also love to recapture that freedom and the small glories of yesteryear.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thank you, Reba. I’m also a tea lover so the name appealed to me. Its all about the simple things, even though the big ones are exciting too! Thanks for reading.

  39. Michele – I LOVE this – the TEA LIST 🙂

    1. play in my garden
    2. sit on my porch and read or take naps
    3. Have my oldest grands over for the weekend
    4. Spend time with friends
    5. I’m finally checking off my big list, “See Coldplay Live” – Foxboro July 30th!
    6. Walk…a lot
    7. Spend time on my yoga mat
    8. Help youngest daughter plan her wedding…
    9. learn to kayak
    10 go to the beach as often as possible 🙂

    And that adds up to an awesome summer!

    1. Ha – Laurie. Sorry I got your first name wrong!

        • Laurie Stone

        • 9 years ago

        No problem.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Peggy, Sounds like you have the idea! Have a great summer and thanks for reading.

  40. I love the idea of a teacup list. I haven’t heard of it before. It is not so daunting as a bucket list, which is overwhelming. I am trying to make time for fun things this summer, even if they are routine and usual for most people. I usually work too much, so taking time to do simple things is a triumph of sorts.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Michele, I think small things are what its all about. They add up to a great summer. Thank you for reading.

  41. Yes! I just posted a few days ago about how summer is a feeling. For me, summer is a feeling of comfort and childhood and barefooted memories. I’m glad I’m not alone in trying to recapture those moments every year for a few short weeks. 🙂

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thanks so much, MaryBeth. I totally agree. Summer is about getting back something we lost as adults.

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