
Lately I’ve had trouble shutting out the world. I’ve been longing to escape my over-fed, too-busy brain, this brain that can’t stop THINKING. Each day I’m bombarded with not only my problems, but the planet’s. I’m hooked into too many devices with too much multi-tasking.

Yet the other day, I happened to watch a video with spiritualist Deepak Chopra that taught me something so basic, so easy, and yet so vital, I was amazed. At first I didn’t believe such a simple act could work, but it did.

Go within to find peace, he said. Find a quiet place and close your eyes. I sat back at my desk pondering this. Could it be that simple? Just getting quiet? Just closing my eyes? Why not, I thought. What did I have to lose?

I found a quiet spot in my bedroom, my favorite place in the house. I sat cross-legged on my bed, closed my eyes and grew still.

I started hearing sounds I’m usually too busy to notice—the wind rustling the birch trees, my cat’s paws on the carpet, and the beep-beep of a truck backing up somewhere along the road. Gradually I began to relax.

Soon I was able to access a part of my mind I don’t visit often, a silent part, the part that simply observes. Deepak calls it awareness, the being in all of us that lies beyond thought, worry and activity. Everything grew still and peaceful. My breathing deepened. Could this be the soul, I wondered? And is what I’m doing meditation?

After twenty minutes, my heart rate slowed, a miracle for someone so nervous and high-strung. The feeling was like returning to a secret room that’s been in my home all along, but I rarely enter.

When I finally opened my eyes it felt like I’d taken a vacation. I saw life more acutely. Senses were sharper—the notes on my son’s guitar sounded sweeter, the sight of a red cardinal outside looked brighter, and the smell of Easter lilies in the kitchen more fragrant. Its like I had stepped out of my life and re-entered. I vowed to do this more often.

Since then I try and carve a space each day to simply be. Do I succeed? Not always. Old habits die hard. I’m still a slave to my devices. I still over-think.

I’ve also learned not to try the closed-eyes technique early in the morning since I’ll fall back asleep. Still, knowing the problem is halfway to solving it. More and more, I’m learning to unplug from my life. I’m learning to find that secret room we all have, but seldom enter.

I’m learning to simply sit back and close my eyes.


Where do you find peace?  Comments are always welcome. Thank you for reading and sharing. If you’d like to receive posts by email, just press here.



    • 1 year ago

    This sounds like a great trick. When I am stressed I pull out the Calm app. It starts off by telling you to take a deep breath. I always do, and it’s that start of relaxation.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Janeane, Haven’t used my Calm app for a while. Thanks for the reminder!

  1. peace is elusive this week.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 1 year ago

      Tell me about it. So upset by the hatred and violence.

  2. I meditate all the time. Have been for 2 years now and it has been life changing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Lauren, I have to do it more. I find relaxing to beautiful music also helps a lot.

  3. It’s funny how this pandemic has caused us all to slow down. Take time. Be more aware. It’s like everyone has just been sent to their rooms to ‘think about it’. (Whatever ‘it’ may be!)

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, So true. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking these days! Sometimes too much.

  4. I like to take a few minutes each day and close out the world and focus on my breathing. Ahhh.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Jennifer, Sounds like a plan to me. Good for you.

  5. I try to meditate each morning for 10 minutes. And I do yoga almost every day. It helps me slow down and relax.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Judy, I do the Sun Salutation each morning. It helps body, mind, and soul. I should also meditate more. It helps so much.

  6. I loved this piece, thank you, for its reminder of the power of finding that still place inside. So hard to make time to do it, and it does’t always work…but when it does, it is refreshment for the soul.
    It, and one of the comments, made me think of the poem ‘the peace of wild things’ by wendell berry. DO you know it? It’s a wonderful thing x

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Lucy, I’ve never heard of that poem, but will have to look it up. Thank you. It sounds wonderful.

  7. I am a Buddhist and we are always taught that peace and happiness come from within. That settling down and calming the mind (the monkey mind chattering away) can be so liberating! It is hard at the moment with everything going on the world let alone our own lives not to let our minds really get cluttered. I love these moments of stillness they are so precious.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Dorothy, I find I need it more and more. The world has become too “loud” in some ways. We all need ways to shut it out.

  8. Love this!
    This makes me think of the scripture: “Be Still. And know that I am God.”

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, Very true words Its hard finding that stillness, but its vital.

  9. Summer time is a great time to get into the habit of taking some inner peace time while being outside.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Haralee, I find nature very soothing. Love this time of year.

  10. I could so use some peace..

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Michelle, Couldn’t we all!

  11. Great reminder to take a few moments! Thanks Laurie. I try to go for a 30 minute bike ride everyday. I am one with the elements and feel better after my break. My husband mentioned I was going out to exercise and while that may seem like it it is more meditative for me, no big hills or inclines just a peddle in the fresh air.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Haralee, I find the outdoors very restorative. There’s a serenity about nature that’s soothing. Your bike ride sounds like heaven.

  12. I need to make a point to do this! I find that I’m so busy working or watching the political stuff that I feel frayed and frazzled way more than I want to.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Shelley, I’m becoming a crazy woman over the news! I must go back to that meditation. It helped a lot.

  13. Hey stays I am really really making a concerted and conscious effort to find it from within. Meditation yoga breathing surrounding myself with people who are striving to do the same… All of that.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Carla, Its important to surround ourselves with positive people as much as possible. Its not always easy, but it makes a huge difference in life.

  14. I’ve just had some hypnotherapy and now I actually believe I can relax! I find relaxing to the person’s voice really effective which I have on my MP3. I can find relaxing to music can feel lonely to me. I do know what you mean about the world getting in. I like your blog.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Jennie, Thanks so much for reading. Hypnotherapy is something I’ve always wanted to do. You’re inspiring me.

  15. There's nothing more soothing than nature. I always feel better when I go for a walk outside. Sometimes I'll just sit and listen and that puts everything in perspective.

  16. My husband and I started doing a lot of walking on a bayou pathway near us and I am surprised that now I look forward to our walks. It's some nice quiet time and there's usually some wildlife doing something. It's nice.

  17. I also love nature for finding peace, that's probably ideal. Its nice to have an indoor technique that can be found anywhere, as long as you can get a few moments of quiet, not always easy in my house!

  18. I am going to have to try this technique. I am just back to work this week, and I can already feel my anxiety kicking in. My go to for finding peace has always been nature, be it the sea or the mountains.

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