
I love anything that helps me look at life differently. The other day I happened to catch spiritualist Deepak Chopra on television and heard him ask his audience three questions. I listened and became fascinated. They were deceptively simple…

#1: What is your full name? 

I thought to myself, this is easy. Deepak explained this is our public, adult self. This is the person on the driver’s license and at work and in the phone book. This is where the ego lives, the mask we all wear to the world.

The ego’s always comparing itself to others, needs constant validation, and wants to win and be right. The other day I found myself taking offense when someone didn’t see things my way. I sat fuming until I realized this was my ego at work. As soon as I made that connection, I felt better. I was able to put things in perspective.

Sometimes I envision my ego like a bratty teenager, always judging with rolled eyes and popping gum. When I get this image, I’m able to distance myself more.

#2: What is your first name?

This was another easy question, on the surface. Deepak said this is the name given by our parents. This is the name of the child. What ever happened to her, I wondered, that little girl who loved to discover and run around and play games?  Where’s that kid who loved to build snowmen? Then I realized she’s still here.

Now when I find myself exploring a museum with a friend or finding that perfect Scrabble word or just laughing over coffee, I see this is the child playing. Whenever I find myself taking life too seriously, I try and access that little girl. We should all cultivate fun. Those moments bring the greatest joy.

#3: Who are you without a name?

This was the hardest question. How can I be without a name, I wondered? How can any of us? But then I got it. And realized this was the most profound. Without a name, I’m a human being, an inhabitant of this planet, an entity.

The other day I read about a woman who lost her husband to cancer. He was in his thirties and she spent every waking hour beside him in his hospital bed. Their two year-old daughter played on the floor nearby. This moved me to tears even though I didn’t know these people. That’s when I realized my soul was responding, the deepest part of all of us that runs like a river, connecting one to the other.

We’re all human entities, beyond names and labels.

Ever since listening to Deepak Chopra that day, I look at things differently. Most of us live with the ego leading, myself included. Very few people live from the soul.

Teachers and nurses and fire fighters spend lives helping others without thought of becoming rich. Maybe they’re the most spiritually awakened people. As I grow older, I find myself inspired and wanting to be more like them.

Funny, how three simple questions can help you see life anew.


Which part runs you most? Comments are always welcome and feel free to share!

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    • Alana

    • 8 months ago

    So profound. I don’t play with my child self enough, but nowadays, when I laugh, I laugh loudly because why not? Life’s too short.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 months ago

      Alana, I like that!

  1. This is amazing! Insightful and defining.
    I love connecting with my fellow humans. I rejoice for them. Ache for them. I guess I worry more about their feelings than my own.
    But that little girl you described? She’s very much at play here! 😉

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Diane, I can sense that little girl in you. How much fun we would’ve had as children together, between make-believe, music, and books!

  2. Very thought provoking! I really enjoyed reading this!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 4 years ago

      Rena, Thanks so much!

  3. That’s so thought provoking. I love Deepak Chopra. he’s so wise. I like my first name but not so much the nicknames people call me. But me without a name is some kind of goddess. We are all goddesses in a way.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Rebecca, We are all goddesses deep down. Its just so hard sometimes to clear out all the clutter and find her.

  4. Oh, Laurie! This may be the best post I’ve read anywhere!! So profound, and I didn’t see it coming, at least not in the way you phrased it. This reminds me of my best friend since we were 15. After high school she became a Hindu nun for seven years. She could have written this. I must send this to her. xoxox, Brenda

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Brenda, Thanks so much. I wrote this post years ago, thinking no one would notice. I was shocked how it resonated with so many. Your friend sounds like an amazing woman.

  5. I love this so much, I also enjoy these kinds of musings…I have a true need to explore all parts of life. We could have an amazing lunch!!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Donna, I’d love to have lunch!

  6. “Living from the soul” That really speaks to me!
    Thank you so much for this, Laurie. Definitely food for thought!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Thank you, Diane. Glad you liked it!

  7. Much food for thought, here. I’m all about living life to the fullest and doing what I can to help others. Probably the child is most prevalent these days, now that I’m in my 7th decade. One comes to the realization that life is short and we need to make the most of it.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Debbie, I love how the child comes out more as we get older. Maybe we give ourselves more permission to play.

  8. Really thought provoking Laurie – I ‘d like to think I was led by my soul and not my ego – hopefully as I drill down to who I actually am under all the roles and masks I’ve acquired over the years, soul living will get easier.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Leanne, I think soul living is so much easier. Its hard to maintain the demands of the ego all the time.

    • Liz

    • 7 years ago

    Great questions. Thank you.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Liz, Thanks for reading.

  9. Wow. There’s so much for me here as I go through a life transition. I was meant to read this today.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Carla, So glad you liked it!

  10. How interesting! Really makes you think. Not sure which drives me most.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      For me, I guess its all three, maybe in equal measure. Sad, but true. Would love to be more spiritual.

  11. So insightful! I have a really hard time talking about myself. Thank you for sharing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Kelly, Leave it to Deepak Chopra to come up with insightful questions.

  12. The perfect scrabble word, yes! One that lands on the triple word square and has a “Q”! I am learning to re-engage the child, the playful part. Wonderfully thoughtful questions and post. Thank you for sharing.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thanks for reading, Terri!

  13. I’m now drawing a blank – – I still blame it on lack of sleep 🙂 – –and who wrote the poem “the invitation.”

    I think of it each time I make an introduction…specially the piece which basically says don’t tell me how you earn a living tell me what sets your heart on fire.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Carla, I’ll have to look up the poem, “The Invitation.” Sounds intriguing. Thanks for reading.

  14. This was incredibly thought-provoking! I watched a video a friend made where she talked about her self-image and who she is. She challenged me to do the same, but I’ve been trying to since the beginning of January, and had no idea how difficult it is to actually figure out who you are at the core.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Michael, The two hardest questions for me were about our first name and who are we without a name? I had to think about those a lot. Thanks for reading.

  15. Lovely! I love posts that make me think, that make me want to be better. Thank you for sharing!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      My pleasure, Karen. Thank you for reading.

  16. What an eye opening post. Thank you so much!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Thank you, Rena. Deepak Chopra always has something interesting to teach.

  17. I am really focused on getting my soul to be light and bright. To live more through caring and loving than through wanting to put my needs first. It’s a fairly intense journey at times but you’re right, that ego is always pushing into things!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 9 years ago

      Leanne, I think we all struggle with our ego. Its part of being human.

  18. Laura, Alas, it seems to be that way for most of us.

  19. Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing! I think you are right that people in general live much if not all of their time letting the ego lead.

  20. Glad you liked it. Thank you for reading.

  21. Had a nice moment reading your blog just now and thinking about these questions. Definitely the ego which is usually the one making us miserable…

  22. Thank you for reading, Stacy.

  23. Laurie,
    This is a very deep and thought-provoking post. I'm really going to try and be more soul-driven!

  24. Thank you for reading, Deva. Love your blog too!

  25. I love this! Thanks for sharing!

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