
(Full disclosure: My husband Randy rolled his eyes so much at this post, I almost didn’t run it. However times– and deadlines — being what they are, I decided to go for it.)

A few weeks ago I made the mistake of watching “Long Island Medium.” Oh my God. Never again. I’m just not good with this stuff.

Psychic Theresa Caputo says the deceased are all around. They make their presence known through birds, scent, flowers, signs, and occasionally touch.

Is she real? Is she fake? I can say with a loud, resounding vote of confidence… who knows?

Besides talking to families who’ve lost loved ones (which seems to bring comfort), she likes to make surprise visits to local Long Island establishments.

“I feel a choking sensation,” she says to some poor guy standing in a deli line. “Did a relative pass who hung himself?” He gives a bewildered shrug while trying to order a pastrami on rye. People in her town must see her coming and flee.

Watching these shows is not my problem. I can make fun of her with the best of them. It’s later, at 3:00 a.m. when I get into trouble. I lie in bed, eyes wide open, covers pulled to my chin. The dead are all around, she said? They communicate through touch?

Did I just feel the blanket move? Was that my imagination or is Grandpa hogging the covers?

I make my way to the bathroom, convinced spirits are swirling about. Something brushed my ankle! Could that be Floyd, my long-deceased cat? Oh God, what was that sound from the living room? Is Grandma fluffing the pillows?

I try and stay calm, but its too late. I’m starting to cross “the line.” We all have it, that place where we know not to go further. Some people (like neurotic me) find the line easier to access than others.

The line is that place between this world and that, the material and the spiritual, and maybe sanity and cray-cray. It doesn’t take much for me to come against the line and when I feel it, I back away.

I stumbled back to bed, pulled the covers over my head and vowed never to watch “Long Island Medium” again. Maybe we’re not supposed to know what’s on the other side or why we’re here or past lives.

Maybe it’s better we humans stay out of the loop. And I’m okay with that. I really don’t need to know. I’ll sleep better.

From now on, I will stay the course. No more spooky shows. No more Theresa Caputo.

And for God’s sake, avoid Long Island delis.


How are you with these shows?  Comments are always welcome and if you’d like to receive posts by email, just press here. Thank you!


  1. I haven’t seen any of the episodes through the years. However, I must admit our family watches Ghost Adventures, which is probably worse than L.I.M. 🙂 What can I say? We like scaring ourselves, hehehe…… 😉

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Joy, You’re brave. I can watch with the best of them. Its the after-effect, at 3:00 a.m. that gets me everytime.

  2. I thought that show was hysterical and while I live on LI and do go to some delis she has never approached me! Then I again I live in different area. I didn’t believe in this stuff until a psychic medium blew me away quite by happenstance. We were at a party just chatting and he told me my father was standing next to me. And then proceeded to say some things only my dad would know and in the exact way he would have said them. I now see this physic medium once in a while. It actually brings me comfort. I know my dad is OK, with me sometimes and is proud of me.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Lauren, OMG. That would’ve freaked me out. I’m not surprised our loved ones are all around, but still get goosebumps.

  3. Here’s where I admit I do believe the dead are nearby. But in a passive ‘we love you and want to be near you’ sort of way. Once, when I was feeling particularly down, I was sitting on the side of my bed having a good old cry-and-feel-sorry-for-myself. Suddenly, a wave of my mom’s perfume washed over me. You have to know I don’t wear perfume and that brand hasn’t been sold in 25 years. I still think it was my mom wanting me to know that she was aware of me and supporting me.
    And still loving me.
    It gave me such comfort.
    P.S. Of course if she’d like to plump the pillows and maybe do a load of dishes now and then, I would not say her nay. 😉

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Diane, Got goosebumps with that story. I’ll also get “strange” scents once in a while, maybe flowers or something sweet. And yes, if anyone over “there” wants to do a load of laundry, I would’t object! LOL.

  4. This post is hilarious. Thanks for making my day!

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Lisa, Glad you liked it! Thank you.

  5. I simply cannot believe she’s for real, simply because if the dead WERE all around us, my mother would no longer be able to tolerate the fact that I haven’t taken out the bathroom trash for WAAAAAY longer than I’m comfortable admitting, and she would have taken it out for me.
    So there.
    “Is that Grandma fluffing the pillows?”

      • Laurie Stone

      • 8 years ago

      Susan, I like your logic! I also don’t want to delve too much into that realm. I’m fine being ignorant, thank you very much.

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