

Just when we think we can’t take any more suffering, along it comes. And yet, as hard as these last few months have been – hurricanes, racial tension, and God help us, another mass murder — many spiritualists insist the human race is entering a new, enlightened state for these three reasons…

Out of hate, comes love. – We’ll never know why the Las Vegas shooter shot hundreds of innocent strangers, but he did. I watched that first press conference, feeling shaken and empty, but a city official said something that stopped me. “Out of hatred from one person,” he said, “came love from many.”

That got me thinking. As horrific as these events are, can they ultimately strengthen our resolve to make this world better, to change laws that perpetuate violence? In the way diamonds are forged by applying intense pressure to coal — will the human species someday evolve to a higher plane?

This week, there were so many stories of courage and strength – people holding and comforting dying strangers, van drivers giving rides to panicked victims, store owners offering a place of solace. Even glitzy Vegas immediately set up grief centers and free venues for bereaved families.

As pictures of the victims came in, we all drew our collective breath. Most were so young, so beautiful, and so eager to begin life. So many families are shattered.

But as we’re learning in these moments of crisis –becoming too familiar – these times also bring out the best in people. We’re reminded how much we care about our fellow humans and grieve alongside them.

Out of division, comes unity – A few months ago, I watched the Charlottesville protests in shock, Americans bashing and jeering at each other. Groups were marching for power based solely on skin color and religion.

But then something incredible happened. People pushed back. Over the next few weeks, they marched for the opposite reasons – equality and acceptance. They stood for love and compassion. And those of all races joined in. And there were more of them than the hate groups. Out of the shallow ugliness of racism emerged a deeper, more beautiful message.

Watching these marches, I got that “spiritual growth” feeling again. When racism stays under the surface, as it has for years, nothing changes. But when it starts sprouting up like ugly mushrooms in the harsh, unforgiving light, we see it for what it is. We start to challenge these outdated notions. And maybe that’s the first step toward change.

Out of chaos, comes order – It was wrenching watching people struggle during hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria. And I couldn’t help wondering, if some of the people fighting each other during events like Charlottesville, ended up helping each other during these natural disasters.

For many, it became apparent it was in everyone’s interest to work together. It didn’t matter if someone was black, white, or Hispanic. What mattered were they were all humans, trapped in water up to their waist or with wind tearing down trees in their backyards. There was no food, water, or electricity.

They had to organize and think and react fast, together, to restore order to their lives. And they did.

I sometimes wonder if mankind is being forced by some higher power to learn tough lessons in order to grow. Ready or not, are we on the express lane to enlightenment because… well…we better or we won’t survive? We need each other more than we realize. We’re more alike than different.

Or is this the way it’s been and always will? Humans can be incredibly violent. Will that ever change?

Still, fifty years ago we never saw female doctors, or a black President, or people marching for gay rights. Growth and change is possible, even if it seems slow.

Like many, I pray something good comes from this horror, misery and tragedy. It must.

I feel like its the only hope we have.


What are your thoughts? Comments are always welcome and if you so inclined, please share.

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  1. This struggle is real. Tragedies and disasters shouldn’t be the only time we build bridges but sometimes it feels like the only time we come together.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      So true, Pennie. This struggle is real, indeed.

  2. Why do we need the ugly to turn us toward the beautiful? So sad. But so true.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Diane, It seems a part of this population needs to do this. I think the rest of us already get it.

  3. There are bright spots in the face of tragedy for sure. But, I can’t bring myself to believe in a higher power who is forcing us to learn tough lessons by allowing death, destruction, and hate flourish. Unfortunately, it’s all on us.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Janis, You’re right. I want to believe there’s a reason for all this, but unfortunately, there probably isn’t.

  4. I sincerely hope that all of the ugly things that have occurred recently do have a higher purpose and that we come out stronger and better off. I’m tired of the status quo and justification of hate and destruction simply because people don’t want to change. I guess a lot of us are searching for that drop of hope.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Shelley, So true about searching for that drop of hope. So many people don’t want to change or can’t, depending on their soul journey (yes, I believe that stuff). Maybe its up to the rest of us to guide them toward a more compassionate outlook.

    • Wendy

    • 7 years ago

    Awakening. The human race is awakening. Only the strong will survive as is written. Birthing is messy.
    This war between has been going on for years and years, only now is it becoming more clearly visible to the masses, while it is nothing new.
    Nothing lasts forever except for the one -strongest power- in the universe.

    The energy each one of us sends out to our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, the broken and the damaged, and throughout the universe matter.
    They matter a lot, and so does the prayer, thought, and desire we send out.

    •Pray for the broken, pray for the sick mentally ill, pray for the deceivers, liars, and the cheaters, pray for the negatively programmed hearts and minds twisted that they no longer remain possessed and instead by some miracle Wake Up to See the Light no matter how horrific their crimes and as difficult as that may be.
    There is no other way. Love always wins. <3 Blessings & Love

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Thanks so much, Wendy. I couldn’t agree more. Love does always win and we should continue to pray for a better world.

  5. Ah, yes. To focus on the good in the midst of what seems to be evil chaos. I think so many of us struggle with that right now. I love knowing there are more people out there holding the positive vibe–not in a Pollyannaish way–but realistically.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Kristine, I’m not sure what else we can do. In many ways, the human race is evolving, but much slower than many of us would like.

    • Patti Parham

    • 7 years ago

    Thank you I needed this today.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 7 years ago

      Patti, Can’t believe I wrote about Vegas, this two mass killings ago.

  6. we’re a year and a half down the road from this post and yet…it’s same ole same ole. Maybe the Buddhists are right about life.

      • Laurie Stone

      • 5 years ago

      Carol, If anything, I fear its getting more precarious these days.

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